Protact by Haartz

OP Tactical – Arabic N PVC Patch


OP Tactical is now offering this Arabic ‘N’ patch. 3 inches, PVC, with hook tape backing.


16 Responses to “OP Tactical – Arabic N PVC Patch”

  1. Hubb says:

    Awesome! That’s a big FU to the terrorists!

  2. Archangel says:

    Nazarene. Love it!

  3. Mike says:

    OK…so it’s been three years since I retired and four since my last time down range. Please explain the “N” significance??



    • defensor fortismo says:

      It stands for nazarene, it’s a symbol being used by the Islamic state to single out and slaughter the local Christian population. It’s also gained popularity online as a way of showing solidarity

    • LowSpeed says:

      Derogatory term/symbol denoting a person as a Christian (Nazarene).

      Ex)Daesh marks Christian homes within their held areas with this symbol.

  4. Mike says:

    Thanks for the information, guess I need to wear one along with a Crusader symbol!



  5. Patrick says:

    RangerUp has a pretty sweet Nazarene tshirt that’s on a discount for resale, for anyone wanting to show solidarity that’s not into patches.

  6. Gunslinger6 says:

    I ordered mine. Need crusader cross next.

  7. M- Defense says:

    It would have been perfect, if they were made of pig skin (like the Infidel Ammo patches) instead of PVC! However, very nice patch…..

  8. Robert says:


    If they haven’t already, someone really needs to produce a “Police Lives Matter” shirt, somehow incorporating the thin blue line.

  9. JP says:

    Religious loonies killing other religious loonies is never a bad thing. This will hopefully make them stand out more.