TYR Tactical

SOFIC 2015 – McNett Tactical’s Tenacious Tape – Reflective Fabric Tape


McNett Tactical’s new Tenacious Tape – Reflextive Fabric Tape is great for adding reflective strips to your clothing and gear.  It can also can be die cut into different shapes as well as laser engraved as seen here.  Tenacious is a great name for this tape as once you stick it on something, it’s not coming off.



2 Responses to “SOFIC 2015 – McNett Tactical’s Tenacious Tape – Reflective Fabric Tape”

  1. mike says:

    I never go into the woods without tenacious tape. I’ve used it to fix everything from tarps to tents to watersleeves. good stuff.

  2. Bussaca says:

    great now we’re gonna have to put this on all our gear when we are on patrol.. that or the reflective belt..

    That being said.. this has ALOT of uses.. very good stuff.