
Thirty Seconds Out – “Victory” Sticker

Apocalypse Now Victory Stickers

Thirty Seconds Out has just come out with their new ‘Victory’ stickers. Themed after Apocalypse Now, the stickers feature LTC Kilgore in a design based on the iconic ‘Hope’ Obama presidential poster designed by Shepard Fairey. Oh, and remember: the sticker doesn’t smell like gasoline, only victory does.

Additionally, take advantage of a 15%-off site wide discount. Use coupon code victory to apply the discount.


13 Responses to “Thirty Seconds Out – “Victory” Sticker”

  1. T says:

    Isn’t it napalm, not gasoline?

  2. Francis says:

    Smells like copyright infringement?

  3. Thomas 67 says:

    So tired of Shepard Fairey and every copied version of his design that promoted 0bama.

  4. El Guapo says:

    Too bad crossed sabers make my dick soft, otherwise I’d be all over this.