GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Be All That You Can Be

Who remembers this recruiting commercial?

42 Responses to “Be All That You Can Be”

  1. Patrick says:

    …Still about 10x better than that “Army of One” bullshit.

    • Chris says:

      I remember when that came out, and I could just imagine Drill Sergeant Brown saying to someone screwing up at BCT: “You’re just an Army of One, aren’t ya, private!”

  2. Shteve-O says:

    You kiddin? Made me want to live the life of danger! (Enlistment followed when I became of age)

  3. Chuck says:

    That’s the one that hooked me!

  4. Goody says:

    I prefer the current commercial soundtrack. Gives me something to hum while moving sandbags from one conex to another.

  5. usaeod911 says:

    “That stache ain’t by the regs soldier!!!”

  6. TexasKrypteia says:

    I absolutely remember that. Pretty moto. But, I was still a few years too young to join.

  7. I am a baby boomers the world today is a different place ,be thankful for the men and women who lead the way to get to where we are now.

  8. RayForest says:

    Yep I remember it well. It was even cooler knowing it was filmed just down the road.

  9. dudeabides says:

    Before my time, but it’s funny to try and imagine a dude that happy to see the 1st Sausage. Of course, that was back when 1SGs actually did the whole beans+bullets deal, instead of pawning it off on the XOs. Very broad brush, I am aware.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Possibly, or maybe it’s because it’s a fucking recruiting commercial, not gonna get many people signing on the dotted line if 1SG says “shut the fuck up and pull security, shitbag”.

      Jon, OPT

    • straps says:

      Yup, I was rigging ‘Goats, jumping out of airplanes and avoiding eye contact with SNCOs soon after…

  10. Aaron says:

    Still trying Eric, still trying.

  11. COL REMF says:

    After being in the Army only a short period it seemed to me that we did more dumb things before 9am than most people did all day. I can’t decide what’s funnier, the 1SG line, the John Wayne chinstrap, or that the add features a Gama Goat. And how about that non “feet and knees together” PLF. In fairness to Army of One, it was effective at getting more soldiers on contract, but had to be dumped for Army Strong ads focused on patents (of likely future OEF/OIF deployers). Regardless, at least Army ads never featured guys fighting dragons or spinning rifles from coast to coast only to then bait & switch by sending them to Faluja or to hang out on a boat for months on end. Or the USN and USAF ads where everybody is SOF. I need to stop drunk posting.

    • SSD says:

      Nail on head

    • Riceball says:

      Totally agree with you on the old Marine recruiting commercials, they were pretty odd back in the ’80s & ’90s and I’m saying this as a former Marine myself. They were the only ones that never showed what you could do in the Marines, they didn’t even focus on what the Corps was about, just the mythos and esprit de corps. Then again, how many people would join if they showed Staff Sgt. going around looking for LCpls and below for some sh*t working party or sleeping in a coffin stacked 4 high while you’re on float?

  12. majrod says:

    Yeah, GREAT memories! I was a kid but found this commercial very exciting as I had already decided what I was going to do.

    “Be All You Can Be!!” was a really awesome recruiting motto and hasn’t been beat since.

    I am happy though about the last several years promoting Army values of service to the nation and being part of a team.



    SOOOOOOO much better than the decade of get money for college that I saw in the late 80’s.

  13. Rigger Dave says:

    I remember these…growing up as a kid, Dad was in the Army, overseas…AFN/AFRTS…nothing but these lol. Well, truth be told…it worked. Joined myself.

  14. Fly on The Wall says:

    That was run in rotation with targeted to women ad featuring the female air traffic controller helping a Huey make it home through bad weather.


  15. FLC says:

    Steel pots, and Gamma Goats. I did not see the year this came out. prob 1980?

  16. Mr. Janky says:

    The guy singing the jingle sang just about every commercial at that time.. His voice was everywhere..

  17. Big Juju says:

    “We do more standing around before 9am then most folks do all day.”

    • Steve says:

      My Nat. Guard buddies version was “We do more drugs before 9 AM then most people do all day.”

  18. JHP says:

    For the younger among us, what the hell is a gamma goat?

  19. cimg says:

    was this the ad on the movie screen right before Stripes was shown? (after the cartoon of course).

  20. Buckaroomedic says:

    This was our motto: “We do more stupid shit before 9 am than most people do all day.”

    BTW, Gamma Goats rock!

  21. FormerDirtDart says:

    Sitting in shade under the open-cab roof of a Chinese bulldozer on Point Salines International Airport I lifted my coffee laden canteen cup and offered a smart ass “Morning First Sergeant” to Top Lockwood of B/307 EN.

    He responded as you may have expected, quite appropriately

  22. Mark Mosier says:

    Rolled up sleeves and steel pots. Good times…

  23. Be! All that you can! Be!

  24. Rich275 says:

    I joined up while this commercial was still being played in the late 80’s. I always preferred the Ranger version though, “We kill more people before 0900, than most people kill all day!”

  25. JM says:

    Do more before 9am…

    Get up retarded early.
    Do PT.
    Wait in line to draw weapons for hours.
    Gear checks.
    Wait forever for transpo to the field.
    Sit around throwing rocks, drawing penii, and arguing over who is the hottest porn star.
    It’s now 9am.
    Still waiting to SP.


  26. Huch says:

    A good friend of mine used to work in the same building as an Army recruiter and would occasionally find himself in the elevator with the guy. One day the recruiter asked my friend if he’d ever thought about enlisting (just out of curiosity since my friend was already over 30 by this time). My friend told him that he had until he saw that commercial and had zero desire to get up that early (obviously the right call not to enlist).

    The recruiter shook his head and laughed, saying “we lost more potential recruits to that commercial than any other one in the program’s history.”

    Of course the other way to look at it is that it probably weeded out more potential dropouts before they even bothered to enlist.

  27. Major Mike says:

    Yup. Bunch of slackers from XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery (yes, I’m that old).

    ERDL jungle fatigues (unit issue), M-562 Gamma Goats, M-1C helmets and “VOLAR” ‘staches. Probably made the coffee using a heat tab and the instant from a “Meal, Combat, Individual” in his canteen cup.

  28. Stefan S. says:

    Ah the old (better) Army. Before…..
    Don’t ask don’t tell
    You could carry a gun on post
    the two beer lunch
    Banana suits— just kidding!
    The Gamma Goat- just kidding again
    Gays openly serving
    Female Rangers
    And Sikhs wearing beards in uniform with turbans

    • Pepper Phd says:

      We had Sikhs with beards in the US Army since the 1940s… except for the last couple decades. Everything old is new again.

    • ThatBlueFalcon says:

      Yep, them there gays and female Rangers are sure hurting this military! Next you’ll tell me that them there non-whites shouldn’t have been allowed to serve their country ‘neither!


      • Jian Hong says:

        Im a Marine and I’m not white and I agree with the guy. Pathetic how our military will pander to “oppressed” groups that force their BS on the rest of us. Also pathetic for you to play the race card and kiss their ass too

        • AlexC says:

          It’s not about pandering. It’s about freedom. Freedom to be “All you can be,” and freedom to be all that you are.

          Don’t lower the standard so that they can pass, but don’t close the door in their face either. The freedom to serve your country is one of things that currently serving people fight FOR, not against.