Protact by Haartz

9/11 Memorial – 1720

Later that day, at 1720 – 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story building, collapses.



19 Responses to “9/11 Memorial – 1720”

  1. T.H says:

    No conspiracy theorist here… But Ive never understood this one…

    • Taylor says:

      Totally agree.

      Still scratching my head over this one. Definitely explosives (not jet fuel heat). Simply have no answers and many questions for this one.

      Regardless, still a tragedy.

      • T.H says:

        Ive read all of that… For as many experts that say it was fire that ultimately caused the collapse, there are many that have said its simply not possible. As I said, I have no theory but find it interesting that so many experts disagree about this.

        • Taylor says:

          Fully agree with you T.H.

          This particular building doesn’t seem to make sense.

          I have heard all sides from experts in their fields, and they all disagree with each other.

          Completely aside from conspiracy theories, this one leaves many questions unanswered.

        • Seamus Bradley says:

          My question is did NYC change any fire code or building code over this one. I sounds pretty dumb to me to have fuel lines running through an office building to supply the diesel back up generators for the slew of federal agencies that called this place home or to have such a crappy sprinkler system.

      • SSD says:

        Take that shit where it’s appreciated.

  2. Paste says:

    I believe the “shit” is the idea that the 911 attacks were something more sinister than just the Godless tactics of Islamic terrorists. My agency’s offices (as well as many others) were in bldg 7, the building was on fire and 2 ENORMOUS steel skyscrapers collapsed in front of it. 7 didn’t fully collapse but it was fucked up beyond recognition. If you wear a tinfoil hat and think 911 was some money making government scheme, skip reading Soldier Systems and stick to reading InfoWars.

    Back to the point, NEVER FORGET – NEVER FORGIVE.

  3. Dellis says:

    Everyone is a fricken structural engineer on the internet and make claims such as, “There is no way #7 could come down like that, it wasn’t even hit!” OR “Where are the wing holes in the Pentagon if it was a plane that hit it? Therefore it was a missile!”

    OR “No way a fire could melt the steel in those buildings and then pancake them. Therefore it was George Bush!”

    How many EXPERTS are there in the world who can tell us exactly what happens when planes fly into buildings at such high speeds? How many times has it happened in the past?

    We know what happens when 2 cars hit head on and therefore we know and can measure the forces, and how to then make better and safer cars. There is NEVER a test for buildings to determine what will happen when a jumbo jet flies straight into it. So don’t sit there, you armchair “experts” of engineering and tell me, “This would or should of happen but it didn’t therefore it was something else….yadda, yadda, yadda”

    Complete asshats

  4. Scott R. says:

    The 9/11 commission wasn’t even curious on why building 7 came down. Thomas Kean said their reason was because no one died in building 7. And there is still the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 report.

    • SSD says:

      So because of that, it just had to be an inside job.

    • Dellis says:

      Here’s the flawed logic.

      President Bush – Mastermind behind the worlds greatest mass murder plus cover up.

      President Bush – Also known as the dumbest President to ever sit in office.

      • Seamus Bradley says:

        I would think that the title “Dumbest President Ever” would have several top tier contenders.

  5. StructuralEngineerInMyPants says:

    If it doesn’t fit, you must a push harder.