GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Nous Sommes Diminués


We stand with you.

Vive la France!

51 Responses to “Nous Sommes Diminués”

  1. TM says:

    Can we nuke these pricks yet?

    • DP says:

      What pricks are you referring to?

      • Ranger Rick says:

        Muslim savages.

      • TM says:

        The cockroaches that need to be exterminated. This shit will keep happening 50 years from now. Book it.

      • Patrick says:

        Oh, I see we are playing the “we have no idea who carried out this attack” game! Can I play? My guess: Southern Confederates!

        • Airborne_fister says:

          Haha. Awesome. I’m thinking it was a government conspiracy. Obama did it. But in all seriousness we need to do something before these savages are knocking on our door AGAIN!

        • bulldog76 says:

          hey now them there french fellas give us rebs guns and munitions we wouldnt attack them none -confederate soldier

        • Jian Hong says:

          Not a surprise that DAESH is taking responsibility a passport recovered from one of the attackers is from a “Syrian refugee”. So who are you going to blame next, Christian conservatives??

          Time to eat some crow

  2. Dellis says:

    This is tragic, we have you in our thoughts, our prayers. For those who have perished I pray for their loved ones at this time, for those injured I pray for the doctors and nurses tending to them, for a well recovery.

    For the police and authorities I pray for their safety, for wisdom in their hunt of these cowards

  3. Steven S says:

    Vive la France!

  4. Chris says:

    Time to make some grass grow!

  5. Matt says:

    For the regular French folk, hang in there. For the progressive liberals, who want to allows people from what is obviously a lesser, violent, society and culture into the country, shame on you. Paris has been and will continue to be the Islamic Capital of Europe. Until the regular people finally say enough they will continue to be killed by the hundreds. There are neighborhoods in Paris that police can’t go into because it is a Sharia Enforced community. Hopefully the right people will understand that the only way to combat this type of thing is to kill them.

    In the days to come you will hear our so called leaders spout nonsense about how this was an extremist Islamic attach and Islam is a fundamental religion of peace. They are lying to you. Go do your homework. Understand what the Koran has in it. Modern Society does not understand that under Islam there is no separation of church and state. It is the same thing. If you are Muslim you believe in Muslim law, above any law that the country has. The so called leaders will fall all over themselves to paint this as a terrorist act and it is, but terrorist and Islam is fundamentally the something. This is not to say there are not peaceful Muslims out there. There most certainly are. I know quite a few. But every single peaceful Muslim is a facilitator. They facilitate acts like this when they do nothing to police their own people. The Muslim faith must evolve into something else, or it is going to be wiped out. Simple as that. Eventually the sleeping bear of We The People are going to say ENOUGH. When that happens it will be to late. So peaceful Muslims, I implore you to proactively police your own folk.

    Of course, I will be called an idiot or racist or whatever for my opinion. So be it.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those that have been effected in this tragedy.

    • Terry B. says:


      I’m not going to call you a racist or an idiot. When something like this happens passions are naturally high and reason is often lost for a time.

      But you are misinformed. I have spent a good number of years fighting Islamic Extremist. In almost every case I was also fighting by, with, through AND alongside other Muslims.

      Although it is not something the average American or European pays attention to the fact is the vast, vast majority of the victims of Islamic Extremist are innocent Muslims.

      And for every US or Coalition soldier killed or injured in Iraq or Afghanistan, ten (10) or more local security personnel have been killed or maimed fighting terrorism.

      The Kurds are a good example. They are Muslim and are certainly standing up and fighting. But they aren’t fighting for us. They are fighting for their future. As are Muslims throughout the Middle East and Southeast Asia as we speak.

      Just because you don’t see it on the news often doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.


      • Ranger Rick says:

        Racism has nothing to do with it. Being a muslim is not belonging to a race, being a muslim is beloning to a crypyo facist religion/government ideology. Being a muslim is believing in slavery.

        Being a muslim is equivalent to being a communist, a German National Socialist (Nazi) and an oppressor of humanity. None of these beliefs has advanced mankind.

        To think otherwise is not to know their ideology; read their books.

        • Matt says:

          Exactly. Islam is not a religion. It is a dominating cult. End discussion.

          • Brando says:

            I know a shitload of muslims who would disagree with you. Then again, I also know a lot of mormons who resent being called cultists.

      • Matt says:

        I’m not saying anything I did not believe in two days ago. While I feel angered at the violence, nothing I have said is any less true than it was two years ago.

        Of course, there are good Muslims. I have worked with quite a few, myself. But they are not doing enough. There people, religion, and culture is causing the issues. It’s their duty to police it. If they do not, someone else will, and should.

        Simple as that.

        • Dev says:

          I remember having this very discussion on this site too long ago.

          When other religions or organisations fucks up there is unanimous worldwide and peer condemnation. When it comes to Muslims excuses are made by every one and refusal from their own to ensure their kin don’t go astray.

          I don’t think that now is the right time (or for that matter this post is the right place) to post more divisive remarks until some conclusive evidence as been released though.

          Thoughts and prayers from Australia.

        • Jambo says:

          Saying that Muslims are not doing enough to police extremists, is like saying that southerners are not doing enough to police racists, or that blacks aren’t doing enough to police criminal blacks. These are extreme minorities in both populations.

          It is not my job to police the actions of others. We are individuals. This is one of the cornerstones of American society. I will never ask you to feel guilt for the actions of others, and maybe I am wrong for that. However, I would like to think that this is the right thing to do because I myself do not like to feel like I must police others for their actions.

          • Dev says:

            They don’t hold the Vatican responsible for the issues like child molestations and abuse? The violence is committed in the name of their region at the end of the day.

            See the different standards applied for one group versus the other?

            • Dev says:


              I’m all for individuals taking personal responsibility but it’ll be nice if we’re all held to the same standards rather than excuses being made on behalf of others like the left leaning liberals like to do so much.

              Apparently all religion is stupid and abhorent except Islam.

      • Zulu6 says:

        Terry B has the only coherent comment here. Leave off the Muslims and Liberals and get on with the job of breaking this cult. Yeesh!

    • BobX says:

      Well said.

  6. MK262 MOD1 says:

    Matt, I (in large part) agree with your assessment. However comma…
    I would argue that in reality, much of Europe is alrady lost. Their pusuit of the Chamberlain model of foreign relations has pratically doomed them. What I fear most is that our national management (I dare not use the word “leadership”) and their Tory ways are rapidly greasing our way down the same path. So long as our nation continues to search for the spine it has lost and those at the wheel lie prostrate at the feet of the false idol of “tolerance”, we are doomed to suffer these same heinous acts right here. Diplomacy is a courtesy that should be reserved for free and just nations. It has absolutely no place in the vocabulary of this moment. The time has come to hoist the colors and unsheath the sabre. Evil is evil. To appease it in hopes of avoiding its wrath serves only to further empower it as well as allow it the time and resources to grow stronger. Find it. Fix it. Kill it. NOW.

    • Matt says:

      All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

      While “we”have not been doing nothing, we certainly have not done it with conviction in a long time. We have put a heavy burden on our soldiers. They need help. Instead all they get are ROEs that are absurd and political niceties. It will take the collective of We The People to fix the problem.

      • Airborne_fister says:

        Exactly, I was one of those guys. “Hey I’m taking RPG fire from on top of hill X. Requesting immediate air or artillery support.” Me to higher. Higher responds back. “Can you see if there are women or children. Oh wait there is is a school 300 meters away. Request denied.” Me to higher. “Call sign urgent 9 line medivac 3 cat Alpha! Mist line 1 RPGs.” Higher back. “Area too hot for a medivac can you secure the AO before we dispatch the medivac?.” Me to higher. “SERIOUSLY?”

  7. Dellis says:

    Two types of muslims. Those who are seeking to take over thru violence and terror. The others who seek to take over thru the political system.

    Bet your dollar though that both sides seek to take over.

    Europe lost this battle when they cut back on birth rates while muslims increased, perhaps 5 to 1. In 10 years by my rough guess much of Europe will be muslim.

    Here stateside muslims seek to control the political scene, school boards, city councils.

    The so called “moderate muslim” rarely calls out other muslims as being “murderers, wrong and ignorant” for fear of being dead next.

    Cure?….every muslim terrorist killed you bury them with a pig. Broadcast it on TV worldwide.

    • wow says:

      Um, this is pretty much like lumping every American with far left American liberals because we are all from the same country. Then saying we all fail because we don’t speak out against them when they call for an end to private gun ownership. That would have us doing nothing but denouncing the acts of others who are total assclowns. If it’s Islam’s duty to speak out against their idiot minoritys every action they wouldn’t even have time to rape their own goats.

      • Dellis says:

        Um, NO it’s not at all the same because”liberals” and “conservatives” have totally different ideologies, that and they are not seeking to kill anyone….yet.

        Muslims are “muslim” because they fall under the rule or law of allah/koran and thus are on the same playing field. If the “moderate” side of the field would put up more resistance and condemn these acts stronger we may see a more united front among all parties wanting to end this.

        Every time this happens the non-muslim folks will see ALL muslims as the enemy and fear them. Every person who wears a head garment of some sort will be targeted as a “muslim” and thus shunned, threatened or worse targeted.

    • Zulu6 says:

      Simmer down Francis

  8. Nova Arms says:

    “The peaceable part of mankind will be continually overrun by the vile and abandoned while they neglect the means of self-defence… arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside…. Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them;

    . . . the weak will become prey.”

    ? Thomas Paine

  9. Disco says:

    Islam is hazardous to your health

    • Thomas 67 says:

      The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
      The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
      The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
      The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
      The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
      The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
      The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
      The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
      The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
      The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
      The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
      The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
      The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
      The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
      The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
      The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
      The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
      The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
      The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
      The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
      The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
      The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
      The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
      The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
      The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims.

      • Bill says:

        I won’t waste my time listing every terrorist attack committed by non-Muslims, look it up yourself on SLATT. Muslims don’t have the market cornered on evil. You’re also leaving out a critical point – that these terrorists were all members of or influenced by specific groups, that happened to be Islamist extremists. I could just as easily post a list of every kid molested by a priest or Boy Scout leader and imply that those organizations are breeding grounds for pedophiles, but that would be wrong and logically fallacious.

  10. nitro nitropeu says:

    Merci 😉

    we’ll get them at last !
    French Foreign Legion, Special Forces and Regulars are not Diplomates

    Worldwide is the Threat … may the Force be with Us

    Rudy (here in Paris)

  11. Ex Coelis says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with the People of France today(to include: both Christians and Muslims). In typical French fashion, I would read that in the aftermath of this attack, many Parisians offered to bed, shelter and offer a glass of wine to complete strangers.

    This is the true spirit of France I’ve come to know and love though the years!

    Vivé la France!!!!!

    As for the terrorist scum that perpetrated this abjectly cowardly act, a message for you and your bottom-dwelling kind; make your peace with your perceived deity – we’re coming to kill all of you and expunge any historical record of your vermin-kind…

  12. Callahan says:

    Delusional the lot of you. Ain’t nobody gonna stop anybody. This is the new normal. Better get used to it. Every man and woman for themselves!

  13. KP says:

    Love for France and her citizens.

    There will be plenty of hate and anger for her enemies in the coming days, but for now, love and prayer for her fallen and affected.

  14. DirtDiver says:

    I’m French, sorry for the syntax, thank you all for the support.

    Tired of being the victims, when will we armed citizens??? Let us avoid the massacres! It’s necessary to arm of the responsible citizens!!!!
    Stop to welcome all the parasites…. stop their to give money with our social assistance….

    Vive la France!
    God Bless USA!

    • Matt says:

      Man we need more people like you!

      • Ed says:

        Note that with the exception of the terrorists and the minutes later responding police, again we see the phenomenon we call “The Gun Free Zone”. Good luck to all who choose, or are compelled, to enter there.

        Perhaps it is time to change that mindset, so that two men with rifles can not hold dozens hostage as they execute the hostages before the police arrive minutes later?

        Removal of “The Gun Free Zone” will not eliminate the problem, but will reduce the scope and impact of each event.

  15. Lagrandeimage says:

    A Frenchman thanks you SSD.

  16. Ex Coelis says:

    Callahan: Edmund Burke had a perfect retort to your entirely dubious statement: “The only thing necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for Good Men to do Nothing.” So Mister Callahan, will YOU sit idly by, do nothing? Willing to wager your answer to Edmund Burke and his question would be ‘Yes’…..

    • Callahan says:

      1- There aren’t any good men left.
      2- Our government and all the tools at their disposal are actually sitting idly by and doing nothing, just as they will do nothing. They are even responsible for the current situation. This isn’t any conspiracy theory. This is facts.
      3- I’ve been in the thick of it, have the scars to prove it. Now I’m raising my kids and trying to make a better place for them. Carry every day, practice every day, pray every day. Hope it will never come to pass.
      As I wrote earlier:
      Delusional the lot of you (for thinking this can be solved). Ain’t nobody going to stop anybody (if they wanted to they would have a long time ago). This is the new normal (everywhere and any time). Every man and woman for themselves (show me one person who believes the government is capable or willing to protects us).

  17. Ex Coelis says:

    Callahan; there are plenty of “good men left” and I’m one of them. Been in the thick of it, Scars to prove it, Carry and Practice everyday? Yours are the words of someone who loves the sound of their own voice… The reiteration of your previous statement only serves to truly underscore that your a transplant surgeon’s day-dream; heartless, gutless and your brains and butt are interchangeable. In the mean-time, please feel free to stay at home with the wife and kids and cower behind your EDC tin gun and your trite prayers.

    P.S. your application of spelling and syntax verges on pedantic.