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Best Retirement Plaque Ever

Some of you will get it…

8 Responses to “Best Retirement Plaque Ever”

  1. Eric says:

    Love it! We miss you around here Scott

  2. Carl T says:

    Just makes me Crye to see a warrior leave the service 😉

    He has weathered many a storm, and deserves some R&R.

    Good on you Sergeant Major!

  3. Doc Ras says:

    I’ll just leave this here….

  4. majrod says:


    Glad to see PC hasn’t infected all. Sad to see one less in the service.

  5. SGT Rock says:

    Ah yes, the FOB @ Camp Williams, just down the hill from the Afghan Village. Good times, well at least on post at the Service Club.

  6. Siege says:

    Next time the 19th feels like making a bikini calendar with these hotties, invite us 118th guys over to watch at least lol.

    Meh, wishful thinking.. sure was awesome to hear about though haha

  7. Airborne_fister says:

    Did the bikini calendar ladies say something like “since we aren’t allowed in Utah again…

  8. Chris says:

    I hope he wasn’t the one who lost his job over that. Such a shame, we need more good me like that!