GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Gung Ho Commando Outfit by Marx

Man, I wish I had one of these as a kid.

Thanks Vince M!


17 Responses to “Gung Ho Commando Outfit by Marx”

  1. Will says:


    I miss our country.

  2. xpoqx says:

    Too bad you can’t have cool toys like those anymore or you’re run the risk of your child being the next “Tamir Rice”.

  3. Gilbert bel says:

    Had this when I was loved that machine gun and .45 got 5he real ones later when I went into the Army 1976. Lol

  4. Joe T. says:

    I had the Commando kit till the wife sold it. I am still pissed.

  5. Jon, OPT says:

    Pretty cool, but I’ll take the Nerf guns that adorns the shelves of all toy stores these days, wish they had those things back in the 80’s.

  6. pbr549xxx says:

    The Lone Ranger pistols with two gun holsters and silver bullets, Batman and Star Trek utility belts and a Tommygun with a removable stock were my all time favorites. The Starsky and Hutch pistol sets were pretty bad ass as well. But that Commando set in the video was pretty damn awesome. 5 year old to about 10 year old me would have loved that set.

  7. Diddler says:

    I would have committed crimes to own that MG with belt.

  8. David says:

    Gotta love how they have the fat kid chowing down with the mess kit. Hilarious!

  9. Ranger Rick says:

    The squad leader looks like a young Kurt Russell.

  10. .308 says:

    Could you imagine if a company tried to sell this today? mom’s heads would explode!

    “No way my Carter (easily substituted with Kash, TJ, Tanner, Cole, Jax) would play with that murderous, terrible, violent toy! He might want to work with his hands after or join the ARMY to kill people!”

    Carter will end up being a huge pussy who cant clear a double feed but can totally clean an espresso machine!

    • Philip says:

      Moms like Carter’s are how we end up further diluting the herd with complacent, submissive beta males instead of hard charging alpha go-getters. Spend 5 minutes on FB, twitter or tumblr and you’ll see what kind of mess is made when kids have parents like Carter’s.

      I can’t wait to raise sons that social justice warriors and politically correct morons will hate.

    • Rob Collins says:

      Search youtube for “red headed persian”, excellent example that agrees entirely with your point.

  11. Airborne_fister says:

    So do you think this would get you introuble with the law if they saw your “squard” running thru the woods setting up high speed fighting positions? And in the city of Baltimore isn’t it illegal for anyone to carry a toy gun in public? Or is it some other liberal city? Imagine walking outta toys r us with that.

  12. DutchK says:

    I asked, but Santa said no. I had to wait and got a Johnny Eagle 1911!!

  13. 1oldtimer says:

    These are the toys of my childhood also. I had a Johnny Seven OMA and on the first day had a ND (maybe my first ever?) when I was messing with it and shot my aunt in the face with a grenade. I also had a Marx M-14 toy rifle which was awesome and looked authentic….no orange barrel tips then. It was a different day gentlemen. Sadly lost.