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Stay Strong Belgium

Belgium has been a close ally of the United States.  In your hour of need we are with you.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to your fallen and wounded as you recover from this heinous act of terrorism.  Do not let your national resolve falter.



29 Responses to “Stay Strong Belgium”

  1. Paul Hotaling says:

    My heartfelt condolences to the Belgian people.

  2. TexasKrypteia says:

    To all the Belgian Pipe Hitters: Good hunting.

    • Sean says:

      To the remaining Belgian isis cell(s): may the odds be never in your favor.

      Condolences to the victims of this attack.

  3. Rod says:

    Daily reader of the website from Belgium…
    Thanks for the thoughts!
    We’re still standing!

  4. Dellis says:

    I slept hardly a wink last night as this morning I and my wife had the heart breaking duty to put down our beloved lil girl, Madison. Our 5 year old blueblood bull dog had a very aggressive cancer. I turn the TV on and see this horrible tragedy and not thinking my heart could sink any lower….yet it did.

    I am so sorry for your loss people of Belgium and the scars this will leave, both physically and emotionally. May the world shrink dark and narrow for this class of coward trash.

  5. aussiejim says:

    Am i the only person who doesn’t feel sorry for Belgium.they have had these Islamic ghettos that has been a terrorist hot spot in europe for years. I feel sorry for the french as the scum that did the terrorist attack there came out of the same ghettos. Belgium got its just deserts for being a left wing Islamic appeaser.

  6. Sopcwannabe says:

    Wow what a pure undiluted lack of empathy you must possess. They didn’t blow up Parliament or policy makers. Kids won’t see their mothers ever again. Mothers their children. And many of the wounded will have had their bodies and spirits shattered. What moral outlook do you subscribe to that makes this “just desserts”, to gleefully trumpet how awesome is your political outlook. ? Nations make piss poor choices with the best of intentions. Let’s hope no more innocent blood is shed.

    • aussiejim says:

      Never said i do not feel sorry for the people injured or killed. What i said is i do not feel sorry for Belgium as a country. And to be frank the people elected the policy makers. So far all you hear from the so called progressive European people we need a hug a terrorist day because that will stop the last 1000 years of hate we are at fault . we have not been open and accepting enough. when will the west realise that this open arms approach is not working.

  7. BravoMike says:

    Honor the brave and remember the fallen. God bless those who have been affected by this attack, and Godspeed to those who are responding to help the wounded and pursue the muslim trash responsible.

  8. Lisa N says:

    You invite the wolf into your home and you wake up each day and give him food and water. You love the wolf almost as much as your child. One day you wake up and your child is missing and the wolf is gone.

    Never forget who invited the wolf into your home.

  9. Jon, OPT says:

    Lots of love to our Belgian Friends, condolences to the families of the fallen. It’s sad how numb I am getting to these headlines, this should never become a societal norm.

  10. Simon says:

    It is wrong and misguided to berate peaceful sheep for being sheep.

    They are not wolfhounds and we should not expect them to behave (or vote) like them

    It is worth remembering that it is the (majority) sheep that are the main productive part of the farm, not the fewer sheepdogs, that are there to protect.

    Empathy and understanding should always be present. Sheepdog are not better than the sheep, they just have a different role in the scheme of things.

    Belgium has my thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery and for vengeance.

  11. Ross says:

    Quite honestly …. This is what happens when you remove Christ from everything in your environment. Evil flourish. Europe has become an immoral, decadent and darkly cold place.
    Surely, America not immediately bending her knee to Christ Jesus our Lord, will lead to evil flourishing here too.
    We collectively condone murder (abortion), adultery (extramarital affairs), sodomy (LGBT lifestyle) and more. Yet, we expect no judgement will come to us! Wake up folks. The answer is clear.
    Repent, repeat, repent!
    May God forgive our sins!

    • Engineer says:

      Fred Phelps, is that you?

      • Ross says:

        No, my friend … FP it is not. LOL

        • Ed says:

          I think FP and his twisted family/church are just as bad or worse then the Islamist-fascist of modern day Islamic terrorism! At least FP and his inbreed brood won’t blow you up if “troll” them at their “look at us protests”!

          • Doc says:

            Judgment will only come to you if you believe in shenanigans like that, Ross. Equally (and sometimes more horrendous) things have been done in the name of YOUR religion as well. Religion as a whole needs to be removed from everything, but Islam absolutely needs to be the first to go, it is the most destructive one in our times.

            • Ed says:

              Another one dimensional thinker you sound like on top of being a hypocrite. Please spare us that your a real “Dr.”?
              Unbelievable how many stupid people like yourself have no idea how idiotic you sound. Must be nice to have no self-awareness? Out

    • ReallyRoss? says:

      Sub-Saharan Africa, home to a significant portion of the world’s Christian population, also a notoriously peaceful region…

      • Ed says:

        Now you sound like an idiot. There are many factors to why Africa is “Africa”! Religion, culture and lack of civilization for starters. I wish the world could be so simple to explain away all “bad” things to one common denominator but you can’t! That is how the MSM operates. Even the distinction between Islam and Islamo-Fascist has more then one factor to why the later is filled with bat shit crazy believers.

      • Ross says:

        Please explain …. where in Sub-Saharan Africa do you find an “official Christian nation”. South Africa used to be one. It was peaceful and prosperous there until the Communists took over, same goes for Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), Mozambique, Angola and South-West Africa.
        The minute societies and their chosen governments turn their backs on Christ, they falter. Please look at to really see what is going on in much of Africa.

    • Yeah… because promoting one crazy-ass theological system over another has bever been a bad idea…

      • Ed says:

        Wow! So much hate and ignorance here. You must be proud?

        • It isn’t hate or ignorance… I hold to a Christian tradition myself but I know a misguided fatwa when I see one.

          • Ed says:

            It sounded like you were equating modern “Christianity” to current day radical-Islam. Just saying?

            • With the initial statement of “Ross”… yes I was, at least whatever Christianity he believes.

              • Ed says:

                You must have a similar education as the above “Doc”? Where do you people come from with absolutely no clue about anything? You just shoot out blanket statements to antagonize people for what end, goal? Must be nice to have the intellectual capacity of a 7yo and not expand your self. Out

  12. Ed says:

    We (USA) seem to be on the same path, albeit not as fast. Two completely different cultures that cannot coexist unless there are major concessions from the Muslim community. They do not wish to assimilate in Europe and this is the direct consequence of the naivete’ of the EU governing bodies. The shame is realizing this now, from our own nations optics however; is it enough to change our current policies or future endeavors into humanitarian outreach?