Protact by Haartz

B17 Flying Fortress Skydive

This video from the Chicagoland Skydive Center is amazing. What an opportunity.

Thanks to my favorite Weather guy, Brett S!

8 Responses to “B17 Flying Fortress Skydive”

  1. wb says:

    Thanks for posting! I’ve wanted to make that jump since my first in 2006…

  2. Lawrence says:

    “Hey, what about Major Kong?”

  3. bulldog76 says:

    its almost an homage to the jedburgh teams …….

  4. Asinine Name says:

    Anyone else thinking about Slim Pickens’ last scene in Dr. Strangelove? Wonder if anyone’s tried to re-enact it, with another jumper playing the ‘nuke’?

  5. cimg says:

    Makes me think of the bomber crew who had to bail out, with basically no parachute training!

  6. Most skydiving from B-17s historically was done under less than ideal conditions.