
Found On Facebook

Ross, You Magnificent Bastard!

23 Responses to “Found On Facebook”

  1. Rus says:

    Out freaking standing!!!

  2. FormerDirtDart says:

    I just used my arctic parka liner

  3. z0phi3l says:

    Damnit, now I need a Woobie Jacket

  4. matty says:

    That’s….genius…now you’re gonna see some hipsters selling these for like $450

    • Jack says:

      Hipstesr won’t unless it’s original, if they stray from that then tell them, cite your source , and be prepared for the tears.

  5. Diddler says:

    I’m so happy at the level of ‘Merica!

  6. David says:

    And this my friends is how you create a movement…

  7. Ronald W. McVan says:

    Magnificent Bastard indeed.

  8. Jon Meyer says:

    This reminds of me Mat Bests woobie love song.

    • Chase says:

      Drinkin Bros, the group this was posted in, is a veteran community and support group started by Matt Best and the Art 15 crew.

  9. Jon Meyer says:

    me of*

  10. Jesse says:

    someone make that man Sergeant Major of the Army!!!

  11. SGT Rock says:

    Awesome Sauce!!!

  12. MED says:

    Holy crap – smoking jacket! Why didn’t I think of that and why don’t I have one?

  13. Thulsa Doom says:


  14. Thisguy says:

    This guy deserves medals and lots of them.

  15. Not going to lie. Impressed.

    Definitely one of the benefits of being stationed in ROK.

  16. Stone11c says:

    Slow clap…

  17. 10thMountainMan says:

    I want to wear this while smoking my pipe, reading Kipling, and contemplating why those pesky peasants are always revolting.

  18. Attack7 says:

    Halloween, 1989, Camp Casey – we get on the bus to head down into the ville and a guy gets on from the 2nd Tank area…..he’s in a custom, BDU woodland patterned, ripstop tuxedo with tails, top hat, and matching cane!!!! Ajushi (aka ‘Shi”) could make about anything back in the day! 5-20 Raise Up!!!

  19. Jayson says:

    Dapper mother fucker right there… The TDC MULISHA

  20. Whit says:

    I want one!