TYR Tactical

Operator Cash

Operator Franklin

Images of US currency altered to make Alexander Hamilton, Ulysses S. Grant, and Benjamin Franklin into bonafide, pipehitting operators have surfaced on the internet recently. They are the work of Sergiy Lysenko of Beserker Airsoft, who is clearly a very talented individual when it comes to defacing legal US tender.

Check out the Beserker Airsoft Facebook page for images of the other two bills: 


10 Responses to “Operator Cash”

  1. Brian says:

    If it’s hand drawn on then that’s pretty cool. I’d totally give $100 for one of those Franklin’s.

    • Greg says:

      they aren’t drawing on real bills, it’s made to look like us currency, but it’s very different in the smaller details. They probably don’t want the treasury department visiting them.

  2. Burdy says:

    Reminds me of this video I watched the other day, I had no idea…

  3. Marcus says:

    Happy Fathers Day to all you men down range. We are thinking about you and keeping the home fires burning.

  4. Disco says:

    Why can’t we have THIS instead of Harriet Tubman?

  5. rotorhd says:


    If Mr Lysenko or others decides to have large prints made to be framed, I’m game for buying a set. Legally, of course.

    I really don’t get the airsoft thing but after looking at their Facebook page, I have to admit some of them are really talented and dedicated.