GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Deutschland, Wir Stehen Miteinander

The attacks your great country have endured over the last few weeks are unfathomable. We grieve for your wounded and fallen, hoping for a new day, free from acts of senseless violence.

14 Responses to “Deutschland, Wir Stehen Miteinander”

  1. Konrad K says:

    Many thanks for your solidarity.
    All the dead and injured are a result of our stupid politicians. Thanks Merkel.

    Regards from Germany.

  2. Lisa N says:

    Deutschland leadership invited these people into their home and they were bitten by the snake. The snake continues to bite Deutschland and still the people do nothing to remove the leadership that holds the door open instead of protecting the good people of Germany.

    Merkel is the failure of Deutschland and is responsible for the failed open border policies.

    • Bobby Davro says:

      British, American and various other nations intelligence services predicted this very situation last year when the eu opened its doors to tens or hundreds of thousands of so called “refuges”which is why the uk put in place extensive vetting and checks on those allowed in, thank god our leadership didn’t bow down to the whims of the liberal hordes, the people you have to feel for are the ordinary Germans who are so scared of being labelled racist that they didn’t speak up as their country was invaded

      • Google says:

        God Bless you for this…… There is ZERO position in the emasculated Germany Today for any real sense of nationalism. Without nationalism, you have no ability to staunch the horde of refugees that will NEVER submit to integration and choose to play by their own rules.

        It’s the Allies fault, We killed anyone that had any sense of duty in that country. I get sad every time I speak to a German……They are a broken and defeated people. I guess that strategic bombing works after all….

  3. jjj0309 says:

    And now they made the statement that video game caused the terrorist attack.
    I don’t even know what to say more. I feel deeply sorry for the Deutschland people. May lord guide them in this turbulent time.

  4. Haiko says:

    As a German national with family in the US and strong ties to the US I appreciate the kind words. However I blame Merkel and her socialist government. They flooded Germany with uneducated, backward thinking Muslims without and background checks…

    What did they expect? That they will integrate into a free society and contribute to the wealth of the nation?

    No, they rape our women, kill civilians with guns and knives and blow themselves up – while getting housing and a free income courtesy of the German taxpayers.

    Having served in the military and did multiple tours- it is clear that those savages cannot be tolerated or Islam can be part of the Western world. It is a disgrace for every German to have Merkel as our leader. I hope this nation will find soon the strength to fight back.

  5. Philip says:

    Stay strong, Germany. Actions have consequences; make sure Merkel’s aware of hers next time you hit the ballot box.

    Politicians are sacrificing future security and stability at the politically correct altar of “humanity and tolerance”. Clearly, these visitors are so grateful for the chance to integrate with Western society. /s

    This type of barbarism is incompatible with a free and civil society. As it stands, Europe will be unrecognizable in another 10 years. I hope the German people see Merkel and company for the crapstains they’ve proven to be.

  6. z0phi3l says:

    Wonder what all the leftist media whores are saying now, they tried badly to label Trump a racist for wanting better checks before we let terrorists into our country and we can see why any sane person is VERY apprehensive of Obummer’s insistence on letting essentially anyone into the US, we all know his “checks” are pure political BS

  7. fritz bousigschouer says:

    if that goes on for much longer germany will fall deep down and never recover. look at all the independent online news and what they say compared to the payd traditional lugenpresse. the gap and difference is way big but still the people dont wake up & rather catch a damn pokemon instead. they gona be all victims, if they arent allready. it will end in civil war. thats why i did emigrate over 10 years ago to usa as i did feel it will go only down in europe. and you all us watch close how it goes in europe – that will be your future as well if you dont fend it off with all your firearms and equipment you still have, thanks to the constitution. moge gott mit deutschland erbarmen haben!

  8. Dellis says:

    My mom is full blood, born and raised German. Still kickin at 93! Went from outhouses and oil lamps to micro-processors in her hearing aide. She is crushed and very angry about this tragic news from her homeland.

    I still have family there and this is what the issue is from their lips. The Europeans in general have stopped having kids. Low birth rate compared to others, especially muslims. These muslims will soon be the majority and the rich history of these european countries will be lost. This is the tragedy just at the point of no return.

    Wake up over there…get the filth out!

  9. Stu says:

    Stay Strong Deutschland.

  10. Ranger Rick says:

    Do something before it is too on late.

  11. Streuner says:

    I am a german and i live in Munich. I can´t blame the government.

    We germans became soft and fearfully. We choose to become victims. We all become sheep. Afraid of little dogs, like the munich gunman.
    No one tried to stop him. There´s no more courage and strength.

    That´s our real problem.

    • Google says:

      This dude gets it…….. I’ve seen it in your countrymen’s eyes, a complete denial that protection of the country and pride in being German was not the problem in a post cold world war construct, that outside influences would be your downfall.

      Sitting in a pub in Ubendorf and listening to young people lash themselves verbally for the sins of their Grandfathers…… yeah the 3rd Reich was a bunch of shit. What the fuck does that have to do with you not screaming “Team Deutschland”!!!!!???????

      Love Yourself, and understand that every demographic takes care of itself unless they are shamed into thinking that it’s THEIR fault for others’ issues.