TYR Tactical

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

KCRF on Italian Holiday…

SSD reader, CTsheepdog sends, “Easy to keep calm in Italian lake country, but feel naked without my EDC Sig….”


7 Responses to “You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up”

  1. Marcus says:

    Enjoy the stay.
    Where to get that cool patch?

    • Dev says:

      I got the Blackout version from a legit site called “Tactical Shit”.

      Just in time for Land Forces Conference 2016 too.

      • Bagosmashedassholes says:

        Nothing says LEGIT like shilling crap out of spec gear, running a shit media site, while using people’s logo designs without permission. They are everything that is wrong with this industry in one URL

  2. Conway says:

    Never compare your life to someone else’s.

    Unless it looks like this. Then drown in jealousy as a miserably cold wind blows rain against the walls of your house.

  3. john says:

    Well the great view , can you please tell me little bit about this place , i want to go there with my family

  4. john smith says:

    You are in Italian lake country…..and you AREN”T naked?