FirstSpear TV

Oops…5.11 Tactical Europe Misidentifies Arc’teryx Pants As Own

5.11 Europe mad e a bit of a mistake earlier this weekend when they made a great post with a quote from a user about their Stryke Pant on Facebook. Unfortunately, most of the accompanying photos 5.11 shared, feature Rescue Global members wearing Arc’teryx LEAF pants.

It’s been noticed, particularly by Arc’teryx fans, and is a good reminder in general to brands to be careful about outsourcing social media management, although it may not be the case in this instance. Furthermore, the tactical consumer is a very savvy customer and even the smallest details do not go unnoticed. Even 15 years later, there are still remarks about H&K’s infamous backward rounds photo.

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13 Responses to “Oops…5.11 Tactical Europe Misidentifies Arc’teryx Pants As Own”

  1. mandingo says:

    5.11 has historically been weak at social media.

    Apparently Internationally,as well as Domestically.

    • 5.11 says:

      You are entitled to your opinion with regard to our social media presence. Yes it was mistake and it happens we appreciate the feedback.

      • Ledsa says:

        Both companies have great products, and I would say that I actually received great customer service through their social media FB manager, accidents happen, I don’t think this should take away from the great partnership 5.11 has made with RG.

  2. D.B. says:

    Surprise the post is still up with all the original photos at 5.11’s Facebook page. Havn’t they got the memo yet?

    Three of them feature Arc’teryx LEAF uniform and only the last photo shows 5.11 Stryke Pants.

  3. Johnny says:

    In this day in age, this is about what I would expect from 5.11.

  4. Joe G says:

    This is one more reason why multiple party advertising deals need to be drastically overhauled. No one believes them.

  5. Kev says:

    Stryke pants not friendly for dudes that squat.

    • Jeremy says:

      Bro, I think it’s all pants. Finding pants that my thighs fit through that aren’t 2 sizes to large in the waist is a goddamn struggle.

      • D.B. says:

        Similar issue here. Have you tried Vertx oruginal tacticals in cotton/spandex canvas? I own 3 pairs now.
        They are looser cut and plenty of thigh space while tighter at the waist. Just remember to order half-size up at the waist.

        • Jeremy says:

          I loved the Vertx Covert pants that I bought a few years back. They fit me perfectly.

          Unfortunately, they are now discontinued, and I found the Delta Stretch pants to be more on the “skinny jeans” end of styling.

          I avoid cargo/tactical pants for everyday wear.

      • JT says:

        The Arcteryx X-Functional pant is pricey but roomy and comfy. Tactical Distributors has them.

    • Snake-Bit Pete says:

      Try 5.11’s Tactical Duty Kilt, it is friendly for dudes that squat.