SIG SAUER - Never Settle

London, We Are With You

I was shocked to hear of today’s terror attack on the British people.  

We mourn with you as you grieve your losses.  We stand beside you, as you bring those responsible to justice. 

29 Responses to “London, We Are With You”

  1. Gerard says:

    The British people fough beside us in Iraq and Afganistan we stand with them always

  2. Dellis says:

    This is sad and tragic. I mean people are just walking on the street, going home, to get some eats and this happens.

    Thoughts and prayers with the victims and first responders. Also, if not already I pray they get the other scum.

    • jjj0309 says:

      ..And they’re reporting him as ‘Asian’. Pure coincidence.

      • Gerard says:

        The British press uses the word Asian instead of Muslim, easier to avoid the truth if you dont identify who your enemy is

    • Steak TarTar says:

      Abu Izzadeen is still imprisoned, so it wasnt him.

    • Rdez says:

      That is the first thing I thought when I read this post. Sounded like the reflexive and recycled “thoughts and prayers” statement that the politicians and media put out after every jihadist attack. To be shocked by this, you would have to be unable to recognize simple patterns. Now if this had happened in Tokyo, I would be surprised. It is very simple people. Do not import people into your county that are followers of this death cult and do not allow quack doctors to handout SSRIs and other psych drugs like candy and you won’t have so many incidents of homicidal mania. For goodness sakes, the Muslim mayor of London said last September that “part and parcel” of living in a great city, you have to be prepared for these type of things. Nobody should be shocked that this happened in Londonstan.

      • SSD says:

        Yeah, I’m shocked, as in, “this doesn’t happen everyday in London” shocked. Because, it doesn’t.

        • Ed says:

          I get the “not everyday” part but other attacks have happened.

          2007, AQ coordinated Bus/tunnel bombing.

          2014, Brit soldier hacked to death in street by “lone Islamist” whilst people just pass by as if no care in the world.

          Fill in all the gaps with less than “Western-like” traditions that don’t go to Sharia court like honor-killings, genital mutilation and a number of other “unreported” incidents that these fine imported and citizens carry out in their own “ghettos”.

          not to mention single attacks that the authorities wrote of as “normal” violence like a beheading that occurred in late 2014 and no other peep about it!

          Fine lot I say!


    • Washington says:

      I’m not shocked you’re posting false horseshit to justify your bigotry, no

  3. Ex Coelis says:

    @ Meusoc – (if confirmed to be factual) would not be surprising.
    However, Channel 4’s senior home affairs correspondent(Simon Israel), the Mail Online, senior security sources and Izzadeen’s lawyer all denied he could be the attacker as he is still in jail.

  4. Stefan S. says:

    Watch the British documentary The Jihadi Next Door on Netflix….A real eye opener.

  5. Ed says:

    This might sound harsh but this is the direct result of the UK pushing this kind of “die-versity” and letting their Muslim citizens including immigrants separate themselves and creating their own Sharia courts and no-go neighborhoods in greater London. Yes it is tragic when these “bystanders” are mowed down and Police hacked to death. The fact is this is the consequence of the ruling attitude from Parliament and the brainwashing of the populace that believes in all this “open your arms” to those less fortunate from these Islamic countries. I could be way off according to some other opinions but I’m very confident I’m not.

    Be prepared all the time, get ready.


    • yogi says:

      there was far more deadly attacks and far more actual attacks committed by the catholic IRA in UK during the 70/80/90s than Islamists these days.
      Islamc terror come far in between in comparising.

      Is Islamic communities a problem here in europe? yes, but if you want to tackle the problem of terrorism by the roots you need to look at the more complex causes of the problem.
      There is a reason why most european islamic terrorists and foreign fighters in organizations like isil, are former criminals from neighborhoods/families of low socioeconomic status.
      Most of these people are on the verge of(or already have) fallen outside of the social system(school, work, etc).
      The problem with the free-ranging radical islamic influences out there is that they stand ready to intercept these individuals and bring them into their radical ideology, and have very good capabilities to do so. Even without ever being in physical contact with the individual but rather having radical content on youtube and social media.
      So yes, there is a need to combat and remove such influencers and communities, but if you do like you just did and point the finger at the muslim community at large, you only help to further galvanize the polarization, that in turn will increase the problem.

      And as far as the housing situation goes. I dont think muslims deliberatly flock together, rather than actually just ending up in the same neighbourhoods due to the pricing of housing. The cheapest housing is generally where you find most immigrants in any european big city.

      • Rdez says:

        Poverty does not cause terrorism. There are millions of poor Hindus that don’t go on homicidal rampages. Your point of view is not enlightened or sophisticated. It is pure sophistry. You are justifying jihadists, plan and simple. You are as delusional as the mods that probably won’t allow this to be posted. Censorship is the new dialogue. Everyone living in their own bubble of thoughts and opinion. Comment sections on this site are a safe space for those that can’t handle criticism.

        • Yogi says:

          If you think the slums of India is a nice and peaceful place, you might want to factcheck a little.

          I was never implying that poverty alone cause islamic terrorism.
          But as far as islamic terror in europe goes; low socioeconomic status, criminal record, drug abuse, and people falling out of the school and work system seems to be common denominators for people recruited into/or self recruiting into jihad.
          In my country we have around 100 individuals that have travelled to fight for isis in Syria and Iraq, literally all of them tick the boxes above.

          Radical islamic groups/scholars/mosques etc need to be removed and combated, but that will have little or no effect if you dont also look at the mechanisms that make certain individuals ripe for recruitment into such radical views.
          Simply because of the overwhelming amount of jihadi recruitment efforts found online and in social media.

          I also fail to see you come with a suggestion for how to combat jihadi terrorism in europe? Other than to point the finger at imagined safe spaces and PC behaviour that is.
          another fact is that the worlds biggest promoters of the radical salafi sect of islam is one of “our” closest allies.
          So maybe you can write a letter to king saud..

          • Ed says:

            To Yogi, what I originally wanted to post last night:

            “What are we talking about again???”

            -W. Costigan

            I have absolutely no idea what your trying to say or your argument POV. If I had to guess after re-reading your original reply three times and your follow up with Rdez, I’m left somewhere thinking your a bleeding heart (insert stereotype) here and have over-sensitive feelings toward the rest of the world. If I can skip ahead though the questions that always begs for an answer is: Where are all the “moderates” that should be condemning this radical-Islamist violence???? Very simple question!

            I know I’ll be accused of “over-simplification” but here it goes. This pic about halfway down in this article sums up the “moderate/passive Muslim” perfectly. Click link and scroll to share:


            Hey Yogi! Good luck looking out for your pets!

            • Yogi says:

              The point is that i AM accusing you of over-simplification.
              You wont solve anything with pointing fingers at the muslim community at large because most are not at fault, the same way irish or catholics in general are not to blame for the actions of the IRA.
              I have never stated that radical islam is not to blame, these people/communities need to be removed by all means available.
              But you need to realise that generalisation and polarization will only lead to the problem getting worse, as it makes the recruiting pool for radical movements grow, meaning more innocent people will die in actions like we have seen in Europe the last few years.

              As far as the moderates you mention.
              Maybe they are not really fazed about 5 people dying by the hand of radical islam, because thousands of muslims die by the same hand every year.
              The same way you dont really care if 5 people die in a terror attack in India.
              You see, it’s not a duty for any religious person to constantly condemn radical violence.
              Where are the Christian condemnations and demonstrations against the LRA?
              Im not saying islam does not have serious problems concerning many issues, but you cant seriously mean that a regular muslim should be expected to constantly condemn and apologize for actions of radicals?

              I also think it is a little conspicuous that every time someone tries to give a nuance to an overly simplistic generalization like yours, all you get in return is accusations of being (insert anti-PC verbiage), without ever actually hearing an actual counter-argument back.
              Maybe the reason you are expecting to be accused of “over-simplification” is because you are overly simple.
              Personally i have no idea what i was expecting answering your comment, but done is done..

              RIP to the victims in London.

              • Ed says:

                “As far as the moderates you mention.
                Maybe they are not really fazed about 5 people dying by the hand of radical Islam, because thousands of Muslims die by the same hand every year.
                The same way you don’t really care if 5 people die in a terror attack in India.
                You see, it’s not a duty for any religious person to constantly condemn radical violence.
                Where are the Christian condemnations and demonstrations against the LRA?
                Im not saying Islam does not have serious problems concerning many issues, but you cant seriously mean that a regular Muslim should be expected to constantly condemn and apologize for actions of radicals?”

                There you have it, make an excuse for “them” and wonder why none of them want to help. Cause and effect. Where has all the bending over and kissing the “greater Muslim worlds” feelings gotten us these last 16 years? Nowhere!

                You should go study history and religion particularly the rise of Islam and how it conquered the “ancient” world and beat Christianity back from Constantinople and the after affects in Europe post defeat.

                They will never quit, never lose faith. That is a very formidable enemy. You are actually guilty of “over-simplification” trying to compare UK vs IRA. True it was an ongoing conflict over who can rule that land from a religious conviction but the players are not same as third-world people who believe in living like it still the medieval times with absolutely no value on life or “equal rights” (something you surely gloss over) for anyone else but the males in that particular Back-ass-ward “death cult”.

                To you, ado!

                Go give some hugs to them so they can see that “we” are not all bad, I won’t include you in that “we”!


              • Ed says:

                Forgot to tag this part! :

                “But you need to realise that generalisation and polarization will only lead to the problem getting worse, as it makes the recruiting pool for radical movements grow, meaning more innocent people will die in actions like we have seen in Europe the last few years.”

                Ah, yes! the “recruiting tool”!!! about as laughable as when our “idiots” in Govt. positions use it. Where were the recruiting tools back before the crusades? How about pre-9/11? How about prior to UBL’s first Fatwa’??? Prior to the USA and coalition forces liberation of Kuwait???

                Something you didn’t mention and if you claim to be as smart as you think you are WHO on this rock goes out of their way to provide humanitarian relief, assistance in conflict and at the very least “tries” to help impoverished nations at their most dire???

                Give up yet??? The USA and second to us other industrialized nation that make up W. Europe. I have to say WE (USA) lead the way in this endeavor, by far!

                So don’t use that BS talking point about “recruitment” tools and blah, blah, blah political BS! That is the laziest most disingenuous form of argument there is to explain or excuse Islamist-Extremism. One could even say that, that is an “Over-Simplification” as well.

                “Pot, meet Kettle! I don’t think we ever met??”

                Retards gonna tard, just like a Libby!

                • Yogi says:

                  No i did not gloss over the many value problems of islam, i mentioned it but you did not seem to bother reading.
                  I am fully aware of the problems occuring in certain muslim communities.

                  And yes, the US have been instrumental in providing relief and care around the world trough the year. what does that have to do with anything?

                  Guess who also have been the main economical and military backer for the house of Saud since the 50s?
                  Give up yet???
                  Saudi Arabia bears significant responsibility for the spread of a cruel, intolerant and extremist interpretation of Islam — one that can feed directly into jihadi thinking.
                  only in later years have they stopped pouring state money into radical islamic groups, but they still dont seem to mind the private saudi citizens that put millions of dollars into organizations like Isis living and making money in their country.
                  This is the US closest ally in the middle-east is it not?
                  a regime that is one of the most fundamentally religious prolifirators of radical wahhabism since the middle ages.
                  Saudi, who also by the way(according to Thomas Hegghammer) went great lenghts to prevent an islamic reformation in the 20th century.

                  I am only getting there because you seem to like to draw big lines, taking us all the way back to before the crusades, but still end up thinking that it is the “man in the street” and his/hers religous beliefs that is the main issue of the problem.
                  Like all muslims are part of some big conspiracy towards the west.
                  But if you want to go pre 9/11.
                  How was the religoius situation in Iran before the US backed Khomeini took over?
                  How was the religious situation in Afghanistan before the US backet Jihadi mujahadeen took power there?
                  How was the stability in the middle east before the 03 Iraq war ushered in the most violent islamic uprising in modern times?
                  How big was the extreme sunni/wahhabi sect of islam before the US poured money and military backing into that clan in the 50´s?
                  Am i saying the US is to blame for the current world news, no, but since you mentioned ´cause and effect´, there you have it.

                  Also, not once did i ever say we should “bend over” for the greater muslim world.
                  I am a harsh critic of the radical elements of the islamic faith, but i dont ground that critisism in petty generalization and stupid conspiratory nonsene, but rather try to look at the actual roots of the problem an how it can be solved.

                  There are people doing great work every day to prevent radicalization in places like molenbeek, french suburbs etc.
                  If people like this could get some funding and backing, maybe the threat of radical islamic terror in europe could diminish in the coming years instead of increase.
                  This sort of work combined with crushing police and intelligence efforts against radical communities is the cure for the problem.

                  But again, i fail to see you suggest a single measure..

                  • Mitchell Fuller says:

                    Molenbeek? You mean the place that unleashed mayhem and terror on France and Belgium? And is an epicenter of Islamic radicalism.

                    At this point, the best measure would be for Europe to externalize the threat by stopping Muslim immigration and deporting to majority Muslim countries those deemed a threat, like the 3,000 list put together by British security services of those deemed capable of committing terrorist attacks.

                    I’ve created a new term for type of attack mass murderer committed in London. Lone Camel attacks, because Lone Wolf attacks means only one person involved, whereas these Lone Camel attacks mean potentially 10 to 20 people involved who helped plan attack, were sympathic to attack, or knew about attack and failed to report it. Per this attack British security services have arrested 9. Take the 3,000 list and multiply it by 10 or 20 and that is 30,000 to 60,000 individuals involved in some aspect of Islamic terrorism. That’s a lot of folks.

                    Poverty argument is a often repeated false fallacy. Look at 9/11 attackers, most from well to do families and Mollenbeek crew many were trained in trades, one jihadi was a rail engine mechanic, which in Belgium is a good union job.

                    Sadly Yogi, you represent / express the problem with Europe = a failure to recognize the threat, make excuses for the threat, take systemic action against the threat. Which leads to a scenario I can see where American youth is called upon for the third time in a little of a hundred years to save Europe from herself again. Sad.

            • Washington says:

              Yeah critical thinking really isn’t your strong suit

              • Ed says:

                Oh, hey Washington! You come for some too? Big man can accuse, show your thesis and work if you will????

          • Rdez says:

            I never said I thought the slums of India were a nice or peaceful place. A slum is a slum. The point is that you don’t see poor Hindus committing murder in the name of their religion at a rate even remotely close to those of Muslims. Islam is the problem.


            You use the word radical a lot. Mohammed was a radical. Moderate Islam does not exist. Islam is radical from its conception. You can remove or combat all of the Muslims you consider radical and you will still find that the well from which all of this evil is drawn has refilled. It is not because someone is on food stamps, public housing or has an internet connection. It is not because they are uneducated or unemployed. It is because they are following the teachings of Mohammed who they consider a prophet. That is the mechanism. The only reason you don’t have more people committing the evil acts that Mohammed prescribes is that Muslims are human like the rest of us with a basic moral compass that doesn’t allow them to act upon Mohammed’s teachings.

            Islam has to be condemned as a whole. It must be ridiculed, not respected. Those that practice it must be forbidden from immigration. Europe and the West are suffering from the makings of it’s own political class that use all of this chaos to justify it’s ever expanding foreign and domestic powers. You combat jihadist terrorism in Europe like you combat National Socialism. Total war until the followers of Islam accept unconditional surrender. First you invade Saudi Arabia. Destroy their manufacturing base (mosques). Put their leaders on trial and execute them. Vilify them in the curriculum taught in the schools and blast the media with anti-islam propaganda. What needs to be done won’t happen until who knows how many more Europeans are raped, mutilated, and murdered by jihadist. I don’t know if the collective West will ever wake up in time. Don’t think that I want to fight this war, but somebody has to storm the beach. If not us, it will be our posterity. This is a clash of civilizations hundreds of years in the making coming to a head.

            You are correct about the Wahhabi and their support of jihad, but the West and the central banks use the Wahhabis to prop up the US dollar by agreeing to sell their oil in dollars only. That is the main reason they are our closest ally. Those that don’t like Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Iran somehow find themselves getting “liberated”, have “democracy” forced down their throats, or get sole blame for sponsoring jihadist groups. All the while Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates get away with funding Wahhabist Sunnis all over the world. Maybe you can write a letter to your respective puppet government of the central banks.

            Brief article on the Petrodollar

  6. Lawrence says:

    Well said Yogi, but never forget:

    “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.” – Robert A. Heinlein, Revolt in 2100 (written in 1953)

  7. John says:

    Since trump has been elected almost all middle of the road to right wing websites comment sections have been under constant assault by the left posters, it’s their form of activism.