SureFire XC3

Kevin O’Brien aka ‘Weapons Man’ Has Passed Away

Unfortunately, I must report that Kevin O’Brien passed away last week from a massive heart attack. Many SSD readers may know of him from work on his blog, While I didn’t know him personally, I was an admirer of his knowledge. Kevin was an Army Veteran and served in Special Forces, on active duty as well as in both the Guard and Reserves. In 2003, he deployed to Afghanistan.

He will be missed. The family has planned a memorial service on 11 June. Details are available on


6 Responses to “Kevin O’Brien aka ‘Weapons Man’ Has Passed Away”

  1. redbeard says:

    Bummer, loved his blog.


  2. Snakeman says:

    He may nolonger be among us, but he will not be forgotten. His work can still be read as long as his blog remains active. I read his work most everyday, as I do SSD. RIP Kevin.

  3. MK262 MOD1 says:

    I will miss his honesty, wit, and utter lack of respect for all things stupid. I read his posts daily and usually with Webster’s open in another tab. He was the kind of American that made us all better.

  4. Disco says:

    That sucks. He was a breath pf fresh air in this bullshit “check out muh facebook or instagram” culture we live in. Hopefully his folks keep it active

  5. Che Guevara's Open Chest Wound says:

    I’m sorry he passed, and sorrier still for his family. I never really got into his Weaponsman blog. I always found it disingenuous how he knocked vets with PTSD, he seemed to find it a sign of character weakness rather than a mental affliction.

    • James says:

      You can tell you never got into his blog,…
      He was GREAT about calling out media BS about vets with PTSD, and people who blamed everything bad any Vet ever did on PTSD. The Media has a narrative about it, just like the “Turning his life around” one.