
Two Minutes Hate

Although the comments section has been fairly tame around here lately, tame doesn’t equal visits. Nobody wants facts anymore. They’d rather be wowed by BS and trickery. Rather than stoop to that level, we’ve decided to offer you the “Two Minutes Hate” where you can complain about anything you want to regarding the tactical industry. Think of it as a potpourri of complaining.

If you don’t know where the term “Two Minutes Hate” comes from, you’re likely the victim of our modern educational system.

103 Responses to “Two Minutes Hate”

  1. Dev says:

    IT’S A TRAP!

  2. Words n' Stuff says:

    I hate how the tactical industry is called “the tactical industry.”

    I prefer the word “Combat” over “Tactical.” Tactical is overused and almost always improperly applied.

    That is all.

    • SSD says:

      Cops don’t do combat.

      • sean says:

        some do… πŸ˜‰

        But seriously, the response to riots in ferguson came pretty close to combat at times. I believe one of the depts in ferguson after the verdict was reached was using the call sign “War Hammer” or “War Chariot”.

      • Operation Chocolate Rain says:

        Then why do they carry a gun? To defend themselves tactically?

        My gripe is a tactic is a method by which one can further their greater strategy.

        A high school football coach is tactical. A courtroom lawyer is tactical.

        Yes cops and soldiers and mercs can be tactical too. My point is, that it is overused and often misused (calling items “tactical” when the adjective only really applies to living things…african hunting dogs use tactics, humans use tactics when…)

        A rifle cannot use tactics…let alone have a greater strategy.

        So ‘Tactical Rifle’ bugs me. Combat rifle or Defense Rifle both work better, IMO. Hell, call it a liberty stick for all I care. Still works better.

        • Bill says:


          Fucking tactical, beards, anything “something” gray, non permissive environments, low viz operations, it’s all balloon juice.

        • SSD says:

          I’m open to suggestion for new terminology.

          • 5MinSmokeBreak says:

            Maybe call it “Martial Community,” because really if you think about it, everything in it ties in to or supports fighting. Fighting with a gun, knife, baton, fists, etc.

            That’s another thing. “Martial Arts” should apply to shooting a gun too. Definitions should grow with the technology around them.

            Or, screw it, we can just use a catch-all acronym: ROLFBOO

            Risks Own Life For Benefit of Others

            • SSD says:

              That’s an interesting concept. Unfortunately, it offers a bad connotation due to the term “martial law”.

      • Tim Thomas says:

        I would differ with that Bullshit arrogant comment…!
        So tell me how many times you faced an elusive enemy, without the company of a squad, let alone a company sized element…
        An enemy who looks just like the neighbor next door, yet he is as deeply convicted as any on the planet… not to just break the law, but to kill anyone who stands between him and what he wants…
        Combat, is when two human beings enter a fight, with anything they bring, hoping to be the one who walks away and leave their adversary behind to rot…
        I may have had other rules preventing the latter, but I can tell you from my experience, this was quite often the case… and for many of these encounters, they were at arms length, alone, and without so much as help from anyone… Oh, and you just as dead when some Gang Banger ambushes you with his Three friend, armed with Semi Auto AK’s, as if you were hit humping the slopes of Assganistan…!
        Again I would ask you, just how many times you went out into Indian country by yourself, hunting an enemy…?
        Any time your feeling froggy, you just let me know, I’ll see if we can’t do a little dismounted patrol in the street’s of …

        • Badass Alert says:

          Oh, we’ve got a badass over here!

          Please tell me you aren’t Police. Jerks like you are the reason people hate cops. You’ve got this fantasy going on in your head that you’re an operator, fighting an enemy. The only enemy of peace and order, is you.

          You aren’t getting into fire fights with ISIs or the Taliban. You aren’t even getting into firefights with the local gang bangers. It’s all in your head.

          So please, take off your plate carrier and cammies, quit your job, and seek help.

          • Attack7 says:

            ” Again I would ask you, just how many times you went out into Indian country by yourself, hunting an enemy…?”

            The very problem right there! You signed up for that peace officer stuff, buddy! Don’t complain that you find yourself overmatched, a true gunfighter would relish the fact that his city’s worst people were giving him such a good amount of work! America’s cities are not combat areas of operations as you like to compare.

            You’re not going up against a peer military, IEDs, VBIEDs, indirect fire, direct fire MGs, and you’re not risking your life inserting into the AO (via Strker, LAV, Brad, M-ATV, parachute, helo, watercraft, rollovers, hard breaks, etc) . C’mon man.

    • James says:

      No different than any other industry, but yeah buzzwords……

      In a similar vein, how about just RIFLE? To hell with ” Modern Sporting Rifle” , Combat Rifle, Fighting Rifle, Defensive Rifle , Battle Rifle, Assault Rifle and what ever BS PC name comes next year! Head it all off at the pass, its just a rifle , unless using an actual feature( lightweight, direct gas impingement, semiautomatic, magfed ,5.56x45mm chambered rifle).

      • orly? says:

        The rifle terminology has been used for over a century until assault rifles were invented.

        I believe The Firearms Blog has an article on this, as the M1 carbine in its semi automatic configuration can somewhat fill the definition of an “assault rifle.”

    • Airborne_fister says:

      I’m starting a T-shirt company called “combat tactical operators clothing.” Trademark pendinding.

  3. Aye says:

    It costs too much, I don’t get it, so it’s dumb.

    • That is the story of my life and the gripes I hear with our products. If I had a dollar for every complaint about cost of our products, hell if our production costs are half of our end cost. That we are trying hard to fix. Then there is the comment, ” my sling is cheaper and does the same thing”. Bwah ha ha, that’s why we are always looking for better retention to keep slung equipment out of the way, hence why I started BCT, my comrades and I needed a more efficient way to keep gear in place and easily employable and storable, BUT those arm chair quarter backs who have done so much combat casualty care, breaching, climbing with kit, fast roping, vehicle operations, and of course combat operations outside of their XBox know better, lol. In the end it is fine, we all have an opinion but I have been at this 25 years and learn something new every day and am constantly in awe of my brothers around me. GOD bless you all and thanks for your service.

  4. Hubb says:

    I can’t complete my super cool commando outfit because Solomon doesn’t make wide fucking sizes!!!

  5. As a 21 year SOF veteran from two different services and organizations I do not feel special amongst my peers. I don’t feel special at all. That said what I really hate are the “tactical trigger” words. Such words that grind my gears are; operator, dynamic, and tactical as it pertains to company names even mine ( yes it is in my company name and if it was not attached to my patents I would change my company name lol).
    Every one is an expert and every one has the “best” way to shoot. Oh well, I am just complaining and honestly, who cares what I think any way. With my business name I am part of my own problem lol. Like I said, if I didn’t have it on my patents I would change my business name. How about SJW Commando Solutions or Snow Flake Research and Development? I am suppose to be an expert and I feel like I don’t know a thing sometimes. I work with the most amazing brothers that I could ask for and the pool of talent amongst my peers consistently amazes me on a daily basis. I am blessed for my brothers and sisters in arms and again blessed to be an American. While I am not the sharpest tool in the box I am stubborn so I can keep putting one foot in front of the other and not show up late or light. GOD bless you brothers and I would love to hear you ideas for dumb ass political correct “tactical” business names. Bad Company Tactical will look at making some t shirts with them on them for you if interested. Maybe we can have some fun with this. Cheers!

  6. PTMcCain says:

    I really hate it that you are only allowing us two minutes of hate instead of four. Who do you think you are trying to limit my free speech? In fact, I’m going to DEMAND eight minutes of hate, maybe ten.

    I really hate this thread.


  7. Dellis says:

    I am an idea guy, I see a need or a void and I can get the concept but from there I am lost. So when I reach out to companies and individuals I get a closed door cause I am a nobody within the “tactical” world and have no connections.

    Thats a mini hate rant

    • sean says:

      Yeah, I hate when companies treat you like dirt if you’re just a regular everyday jackoff and not some Tier 1 dickhead. The nice thing about things like ADS Warrior West/East is it gives you an chance to see which companies are dicks or not in person so you can more accurately tailor your personal purchases.

      • Dellis and Sean, please feel free to reach out to me any time guys. I have been at this lifestyle for over 2 decades and any one that is turning you away regardless of your pedigree is and I am quoting here “Not what right looks like”.
        I apologize for any of my brothers that are not keeping there tool box open for new ideas. That said I can not guarantee that it will be a good fit for me personally until I know what it is you are up to but if I can point you in the right direction I will.

  8. I'm Pickle Rick!!! says:


  9. sean says:

    Pickle Rick!

  10. ithejury says:

    Velcro is retarded.

    • Che Guevara's Open Chest Wound says:

      “Velcro? The Army doesn’t use Velcro. We use ‘hook and loop fastener.’ Now do push-ups.”

      And as I pushed that fine fall day in Rigger School, I thought “That’s pretty stupid.” I had yet to learn not to call a “retaining band” a rubber band.

    • Callmespot says:

      You can’t say retarded anymore! It’s special everything now!

  11. Random says:

    Ok, here goes.

    SSD you take sides on the most ignorant issues, when its not your business to give your opinion, and randomly censor anything YOU don’t view as worthy. Be Switzerland for a while.

    But…I really like your webpage.

    • SSD says:

      Actually, I’m Austria during the Cold War. One thing I am not, is foolish enough to think that the guy who runs the place’s opinion doesn’t matter.

      Generally, I censor racist comments, personal attacks, drive by comments and obvious shill comments.

      I’m also not a fan of comments made by people who don’t have enough conviction to use their own name. In that case, I’ll usually taunt you.

      • Callmespot says:

        Pickle bucket!

        • For what it is worth, SSD has been and has continued to always be upright and fair IMO. I have known this team for a few years and am proud to call him my friend and thank him for his service.

          • I'm Pickle Rick!!! says:

            SSD is my go to source on industry stuff and has seemed to be exceedingly fair about most stuff. I appreciate the guest writers and commentary, even though I may not agree with everything being said. Keep up the good work.

  12. Ajax says:


  13. cameron says:

    People that profess idiotic things like:

    HK416 isn’t better than the m4 platform because all you need to do is clean and/or train soldiers more and then the m4 will work like a 416….

    yeah, a ford fiesta can beat a Ferrari with the right driver and mods…doesn’t mean its an equally fast car. Maybe its too expensive to rekit at the moment onto a different rifle- absolutely a fair argument but don’t try to talk down new tech that does what it says.

    oh- and people that give us their opinion from when they were in the army 20 years ago. fuck offffffffffffffffff, literally a world apart. This one time in ’94 – yeah don’t give a shit about your poor war stories.

    • Dellis says:

      “don’t give a shit about your poor war stories.”

      WTH? I have never been “down range” or in the “sand box” (well cept in grade school) but I highly value the stories of those that have been, whether in wars past or present. It does them good to talk about it and express their emotions about that time.

      My dad never spoke about his time, from WWII to Vietnam, unless he was drunk. Then he would lay on the floor, in a ball and sob about “the young men”. There ain’t nothing “poor” about that in the sense as it being worthless.

      Their “opinions” have paved a path for better equipment, battle tactics (I just used that word “tactic” in a proper sense I think) and so much more.

      I have a son named “Cameron” but I know you’re not him cause his mom would of beat him bloody with his laptop had he posted what you did, cause she drives a Fiesta.

      • Giovani Urrutia says:

        I think what Cameron is talking about are the guys who say “What’s wrong with the ALICE pack?” “Back in my day, olive drab uniforms were good enough!” Those comments are infuriating.

      • cameron says:

        sorry- let me make that one exception, with regards to history for history’s sake. but too many get up here and say things like, yeah lets bring back uniformity- ‘same boots for everyone’. thats how it was in my day….yeah except we since found out orthotics matter.

        thats what i meant.

        • cameron says:

          and no, im not flatfooted, just thought it was an example you couldnt get emotional about.

    • Seans says:

      Wait is that why the M4A1 beats the HK416 when it comes to reliability test? I have dealt with both M4/MK18s and 416s on deployment. And will gladly take a M4A1 over the 416.

      • cameron says:

        ok, ill add third hate.

        When people dont have weight of evidence in their favour

        • Seans says:

          You mean the plenty of testing from the US military that shows the 416 has more parts breakage than the M4A1. From the dust test, to the M855A1 test, or going back as far as the 10th group test? Please tell me what you think throwing a external piston on the AR15 design does better than the normal gas system. Other than break parts.

    • I don’t consider myself to be an “expert” but I did stay in a holiday inn express in Fayetteville. So I have been issued and have used the HK416 in great use and it is my opinion that it is an over engineered, over priced, cannibalistic, heavier than it should be, harder recoiling M4 platform. I have always said that the Colt M4 and the Colt 1911 are the standard by which ALL MODERN military rifles and pistols are compared to. Now before you cry havoc and start throwing things at me I am simply saying that if a weapon in the rifle or pistol categories can not perform to those standards then they are not a good fit in the real world and in combat. There are literally too many companies making better weapons that those two previously stated but they are known performers and have been around a very very long time. I feel as a retired 18b that they are a fair and reasonable standard to set the bar. AGAIN, there are too many other companies today making better weapons but that is where I begin. Back to the 416, I love the barrel and the handguard interface but the rest of the gun can go. DI guns have and continue to run as good or better. If anyone here is smarter that Eugene Stoner let him come forth, if not then suck it Trabeck! Lol.

  14. SSD says:

    Here’s something to discuss.

    • Marcus says:

      I love Pat in a manly way. Pure unvarnished truth.

      What the hell ever happened to trying to find the logic and wisdom in people’s statements or actions, rather than a reason to hate?

      And by the way, once again he’s right.

    • Geoff says:

      There once was a time where the Army National Guard had the monopoly on the term “weekend warrior.” That is not the case any longer.

      • Alpha2 says:

        Learn the fundamentals of marksmanship before you go spending thousands of dollars on modifications to your firearms.
        It is the Indian not the arrow.
        That is all.

        • BadJokes says:

          Do you know why there is no Bow Hunting in Mexic?




          no jabenero

    • Dellis says:

      OK, I am gonna throw myself under the bus here, plus an Amtrak. I used to be THAT GUY!

      The “tactical” world and buzz words tickled my ears and drained my wallet. I had to have that, had to have this…anything and everything labeled “tactical” I bought. Boots, pants, triggers, muzzle brakes, knives….phew…what a waste.

      Guess what? My shooting never improved! I asked myself how come my new 5.11 battle belt has not increased my draw times, reload times, etc.? Even wearing my paracord wrist band was not helping! My “tactical rifle”, adorned with everything from a weapon light to my neighbors satellite DISH was not helping.

      Which lead to me taking a real class. He stripped my rifle down to plain BUIS. Then for 2 hours busted my ass. I was physically and emotionally drained, in Texas June heat but I felt so damn good! It made me realize, as someone stated, it’s not the arrow but the Indian.

      Do I have a “battle belt” still? Ya but it’s fitted out properly now. Plate carrier? Ya, sure but I built it based off of input from guys I highly look up to that have been there and done that.

      Now I am going for a 2 day “first responder class” put on by Dark Angel. Much of this correction has come from reading SSD, which I thank Eric for all his hard work, and from many of you guys who are regulars.

      • Airborne_fister says:

        Hey, I’ll let you know two things. 1.) the bus did hit you. But the the Amtrak stopped short. 2.) good on you for taking a class. I started my first basic rifle class with not but iron sights on a slick top rifle. Got mad fun of for not having a quad rail or lights or lasers. I needed help with iron sights. Not with lights and lasers. Plus it was heavy stuff to carry for awhile (mind you I’m a paraplegic, so I live ON a wheelchair!) But after the class was over and everyone was just shooting the targets I went to my truck grabbed my tricked out rifle. (You know the one with an EOTech, magnifier, lights, lasers, silencer, SBR, full auto, full length quad rail!) No one gave me any slack over that, they just wanted to see it, and shoot it. But they learned really quickly that I was there to learn the basics and apply them to every other way of shooting!

    • Well said sir! Well said!

    • I'm Pickle Rick!!! says:

      So true. Most regular guys aren’t going to be wearing a helmet, plate carrier, and nods when they need to pop somebody.

      And yet it seems like Joe the accountant gets pretty upset when people point this out.

    • Buckaroomedic says:

      I totally agree with Mr. McNamara. I really want to train like this, but none of my local ranges will let me! There is a range, about 60 miles away, where I can rent a private lane and do pretty much whatever I want, but it’s hard to get down there often.

  15. Old fut says:

    One of the many reasons while I like this site, you use good references.

  16. Strike-Hold says:

    Ditto on the overuse and abuse of “tactical trigger words”; like tactical, dynamic, down-range, operator driven / operator proven / designed with input from real operators, battle tested / battle-proven, kinetic….

    Also, young bucks who think that the opinions of old dudes don’t matter – guess what, there’s nothing new under the sun and everything old becomes new again… Just look at the “new” jungle boots, etc.

  17. MThomas says:

    It used to be, back in the day, When you read the comments everyone had some good information, from experience to add to whatever the post was about.
    Terry Baldwin style.
    Now everyone just bashes whatever is posted. Not just here but all over the world wide web.
    A lot of good information is just not getting shared anymore.
    Thanks SSD for still putting out the best stuff around.

    • SSD says:

      Yeah, it’s like a mob. I would blame social media but the truth of the matter is that not enough people are getting punched in the nose for being assholes.

      • Running Man says:

        Respect +1 SSD
        Easy to criticize and be negative about gear, training, Big Green, etc. Insightful, witty, knowledgeable comments fewer and far between, but appreciated by many of us. Sorting through the bad for the good only worthwhile when the ratio is reasonable. Lightfighter has withered and Weaponsman has passed to Valhalla. Hang in there SSD, you’re a daily read for some of us and still one of the best places to get the latest scoop.

      • MThomas says:

        That is very true. Sadly, that is the way it gets fixed.

  18. orly? says:

    Winter is here.

    Just look at the comments.

  19. Ian Cornell says:

    I honestly don’t have any problems with the industry as it is. I could care less what other people are into, who am I to tell anyone how to spend their money? If they are dumb enough to invest in all gear and no training, so be it. We live in a age where men collect gear like woman collect shoes. All these Instagram warriors just care about looking cool. I guess the only thing I hate is counterfeit gear especially TQs Nothing worse than a thief stealing from a reputable company while costing people their lives

  20. Joey Johnson says:

    The thing that bugs me is when news sites take down there comments for people not agreeing with other people or the use of “libtard”! I could careless about the term operator tactical tier one t shirt bull hockey. I care about people limiting what other people have to say. I want to be able to express my option just as the author of the news report did, but I cannot thanks Fox News.

  21. Callmespot says:

    Can you pin this right below the capability post because I think Matt is missing an awesome opportunity to complain about this one too !

  22. Harm Uden says:

    I’m sick and tired of hearing about all the people firearms instructors have killed. When there is some expose or marketing campaign for widget this or that. They tout some spec. ops. guy and there will be some story about people he has killed. Completely classless. My grandfather in WW2, that was in the battle of the bulge never talked about it.

    Another item I’d like to rant about, using fear to sell firearms training. It’s a logical fallacy. Making people feel they are incapable of defending themselves because they didn’t spend $500 on your class, then $300 on ammo and then $400 on traveling and finally $500 on accomodations. Is not based in reality and probably not even factually true.

  23. Capn Mike says:


    We have always been at war with Eastasia.

  24. Stefan S. says:

    Morons attach tactical/combat to everything. Flip-flops, flashlights, pens. Also tactical to every shooting class taught by fat has-beens.

  25. mudd says:

    I resent it that people don’t think I’m a death dealing ninja when I have my ACU’s, combat flip flops on and 1000mi stare. Maybe they can’t see my badassness through the delta force oakley glasses, or perhaps the glint off my seal team watch is blinding. You’d think the secret squirrel “combat” patch on my right shoulder would give them a clue… I mean If you look close the squirrel has a combat action ribbon clearly displayed on it’s chest, or breast.. it is a breast if you eat the animal? I gender identify as ninjamandoassasin What is wrong with you all for not recognizing the obviousness of my status? Defer to me.. Can you ride a unicycle without a seat and pew pew pew. Didn’t think so. I hate you all!

  26. Angry Froggy says:

    2 minutes ??? waaaaaaaaaay too short to sum up evthg. I hate about my own country (a.k.a. “le pays des droits de l’homme”).
    So … I’ll just mention that I hate hipsters (and I am literally surrounded by these c.cks.ckers !!!)

  27. Tyler says:

    WTF is wrong with Denver? Most of the big bands skip the place (except Redrocks); all The resturants are simply poorly done copies of resturants from larger cities, nothing origional; there are zero good mens shoe shops, no berluti, corthay, G&G, St. Crispins or other wise you can barely find Alden; on that note, 99% of the population here dresses like shit……hiking clothes for eveything; 50m pools are nowhere to be found; there are hardly any decent pull bars anywhere; everyone thinks its difficult to climb these puny mountains;…oh and 15 round mag limit.

  28. SGT Heintz says:

    Yeah, hey, customer service? Yeah, I want a refund on my free two minutes of hate. It left me cold and empty, what we really need is 2 minutes 15 seconds of elite top secret operator tactical fury with dynamic violence action. Of course, to get the most out of my session, I’ll need a combat career counselor coach. And, uh, everyone knows it’s about looking cool so, please send him with a matching set of urban grey tiger stripe dyna-flage one-sies for us. For the deluxe package we can do lunch with our favorite action hero and we can tell cool stories that may or may not be entirely true. Then we can practice our “kung-fu grip” TM on each other while sucking our Oscar Meyer TM.

  29. AdamMike says:

    Hey SWAT officers. Attending a 5 day course that no one has ever failed from doesn’t make you elite. Stop looking down your noses at your brothers and sisters. Many of them experienced things you never will. Everyone had a life before the blue. Patrol isn’t the only function hurting from lack of leadership and training.

    Please stop using the words “operator” and “law enforcement special forces”. Hilarious.

  30. G3SM says:

    I’m just here in the corner waiting on yet another new rifle sling or mag pouch. πŸ˜‰

  31. Stacy0311 says:

    SERPA holsters in the JOC. Basically any high speed cool guy tactical operator holster. We’re a CJFLCC in the green zone. I doubt we’re going to have clear the Green Beans.

    And the cheap ass Fobbit bra shoulder holsters from the haji mart. I’m pretty sure if you’re going to rock a shoulder holster, the butt of the pistol is supposed to be to the FRONT not the REAR. At least it’s vertical and not horizontal

    • sean says:

      Shit, being forced to use the stupid ass serpas for pistol qual just because the Corps wasted millions on them is annoying as fuck.

  32. Ahh, Summer I think you are missing the point! I turned myself into a pickle! Pickle Rick!!!!!

  33. sean says:

    Cops shouldn’t have access to weapons that the citizens in their jurisdiction can’t own. Maybe that would stop douchebag police chiefs, sheriffs, and LE organizations from supporting anti-2A laws.

  34. Whit says:

    I’m complaining about Neidermeyer. He’s such a tool! He harasses our pledges. Only we can harass our pledges.

  35. klink says:

    IMO, i think it’s a consequence of a larger, ignorant, opinionated audience. The comment section used to have industry recognizable people chime in regularly and answer direct questions or expand what the post was about.

    I don’t even lurk in the comment sections anymore.