RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Now That’s A Resupply Pallet

(h/t Do You Even Jump? via AM)

8 Responses to “Now That’s A Resupply Pallet”

  1. Ray says:

    That is fantastic. Now I know what to give the jumpmaster in my life. Haha

  2. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    That’s a solid looking LCLA bundle right there…

  3. Weaver says:

    Man, you’d think that if they were going to go to all that effort, they’d at least put something worthwhile in it.

    Like, I dunno … beer.

    No point in dropping in canned water like that.

  4. Tazman66gt says:

    It does make me wonder if anyone has ever airdropped a keg before.

    • Airborne_fister says:

      Yes. We put a keg and pizzas in a Humvee then dropped it to a group of guys. Only problem was the kegs were held in by 550. Should of used webbing. The type III popped and the kegs were exposed. The higher ups saw the kegs and were pissed. Never saw the pizzas tho. MRE boxes work well for dropping pizza in.

  5. Stefan S. says:

    Finally, riggers worth a darn! Just kidding.
    -Former ARSOF 5W

  6. PbLead says:

    (screeches autistically) AIRBORNE!!!

    • autistic mother says:

      As a mother of 6 autistic children prone to bouts of violence and screaming I find this comment very offensive. Please consider others before posting hate speech like this. Thank you

      – jody