GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Citigroup Ups The Ante, Dictates Firearms Sales Policy To Firms Accepting Their Cards

Last week, Citigroup which is an underwrite to multiple credit card and business credit products, released this statement which lays out their policy regarding use of their credit for purchasing firearms and accessories.

Announcing Our U.S. Commercial Firearms Policy

By Ed Skyler, Executive Vice President, Global Public Affairs, Citi

MARCH 22, 2018 11:30 AM

For too many years, in too many places, our country has seen acts of gun violence that have resulted in heartbreaking losses. We are all too familiar with them and there is no need to recount them here.

Over the same amount of time, we have waited for our grief to turn into action and see our nation adopt common-sense measures that would help prevent firearms from getting into the wrong hands. That action has sadly never come and as the weeks pass after the most recent mass shooting, it appears we are stuck in the same cycle of tragedy and inaction.

As a society, we all know that something needs to change. And as a company, we feel we must do our part.

Today, our CEO announced Citi is instituting a new U.S. Commercial Firearms Policy. It is not centered on an ideological mission to rid the world of firearms. That is not what we seek. There are millions of Americans who use firearms for recreational and other legitimate purposes, and we respect their Constitutional right to do so.

But we want to do our part as a company to prevent firearms from getting into the wrong hands. So our new policy centers around current firearms sales best practices that will guide those we do business with as a firm.

Under this new policy, we will require new retail sector clients or partners to adhere to these best practices: (1) they don’t sell firearms to someone who hasn’t passed a background check, (2) they restrict the sale of firearms for individuals under 21 years of age, and (3) they don’t sell bump stocks or high-capacity magazines. This policy will apply across the firm, including to small business, commercial and institutional clients, as well as credit card partners, whether co-brand or private label. It doesn’t impact the ability of consumers to use their Citi cards at merchants of their choice.

We know our clients also care about these issues and we have begun to engage with them in the hope that they will adopt these best practices over the coming months. If they opt not to, we will respect their decision and work with them to transition their business away from Citi.

We have few relationships with companies that manufacture firearms. For those that do, we will be initiating due diligence conversations on the subject to better understand what products they make, what markets and retailers they sell to and what sales practices those retailers follow to ensure adherence to the best practices outlined above. This same due diligence screening will apply to potential clients going forward.

These common-sense sales practices already have widespread public support according to recent polling and they are easy to implement. Some, like Walmart, have gone even further.

We recognize that we don’t have all the answers and that existing technology in our industry doesn’t allow for a more targeted approach at points of sale. For that reason, we would like to convene those in the financial services industry and other stakeholders to tackle these challenges together and see what we can do. This approach has worked well in areas such as sustainability, where the Equator Principles ushered in a new era of environmentally and socially responsible financing practices. We hope to leverage collective action to encourage responsible practices by all who sell firearms. As best practices evolve, we will update our policies accordingly.

We know that the actions we are taking today will invite passion on both sides. We don’t have the perfect solution but we have come to the conclusion that we must do our part to keep guns out of the hands of those who wish to do harm. And we hope our actions help achieve that vital goal.


54 Responses to “Citigroup Ups The Ante, Dictates Firearms Sales Policy To Firms Accepting Their Cards”

  1. Brad says:

    Define high capacity magazine…

    • Hubb says:

      Exactly what I always think. These firearms-illiterate activists just make their own facts up.

      • TominVA says:

        So in your opinion, what is a high capacity magazine?

        • Jeremy says:

          His point is that they just throw out a made up term, with no definition to it. Basically they are either ignorant, or want to make up the rules as they see fit. Like most gun control advocates.

          • TominVA says:

            Yes, I got that. But accusations of ignorance implies a correct answer, right? So in your opinion, or Hubb’s, what’s high capacity? If we don’t want ignorant gun control advocates, what’s the right answer so they can know it in the future?

  2. Hubb says:

    1. Never fully transition away from cash money. The moment we go fully to credit then the corporations and government have way too much control over us.

    2. Get rid of Citi cards or don’t use them. If you can cut up your Citi card without hurting your credit score then do it. If you have a card, then never use it so they can’t make money off of the fees.

    3. Always stock up on guns, ammo, and mags when the prices are low so you can beat the panic buying. Buy low and sell high if you have to.

  3. Erik says:

    Funny that they are the Goverment Travel card holders right now….

    • Justin says:

      That was my first thought. They were also one of the banks that was bailed out after the crash in 08/09. They’re all scum.

      • CRBR says:

        Don’t forget about the time they appointed Obama’s cabinet after he won in 2008.

    • Stone11C says:

      Damn, you beat me to it! There’s a Citi GTC stinking up my wallet at this very moment…

  4. Morgan Painter says:

    “Best practices” As defined by a credit card company… right. And as another commentator pointed out, what is high capacity? Are we basing this on VA and TX definitions or NY, CT, MD, etc. since none of them seem to be able to agree what high capacity is either.

  5. Dellis says:

    America is broken. It was sometime back, just cracked, with fracture lines but now it has full fledged, deep cracks and many are beyond repair.

    Take this latest political fiasco that has sprung from a horrible tragedy. The Florida school shooting. The survivors of this are emotional, scared, hurt, and angry. Their emotional outcrys though are just that, “emotional” and sadly people come along and use them as pawns.

    CNN comes along and plays this stuff up. CNN claims to be all about “equality” and “truth” and of course they follow the “facts”. So what better tragedy to use for their agenda than a upper middle class school being shot up by a crazed gun wacko using the deadly AR-15?! 17 killed!

    CNN pretty much makes the parking lot their second studio. They launch a “debate” of hundreds of anti-gun emotionally fueled locals against 2 pro-gun people.

    CNN also does this every weekend in Chicago, when just about as many people are shot, stabbed and or killed. Right?

    Please bare with me here as these are the things causing the small cracks in America to become huge fissures. So people behind organizations like CNN are just using these kids to further an agenda. That America, the way it has worked and was meant to work is WHAT IS BROKE! One side is trying to fix America from the way it was intended to be into something it was never meant to be and the other side is trying to keep America as it was meant to be, hence the pulling apart.

    Politicians are of no help, the only difference between the vast majority of politicians is some have a (D) in front of their names while others have an (R). Other than that they are all the same. The majority just keep doing what’s best for them. So what’s this got to do with CitiBank?

    Mindset. Not just any mindset because in todays social construct the SJW’s that sit behind keyboards now steer how things flow in today’s politically correct mindset. It’s all about “trends”. Logic, sound reasoning and critical thinking have become rare, almost extinct. We are actually dumbing down. People now arguing, not with sound reasoning but with meme’s!! You ask a thoughtful question, like, “How will lowering magazine count stop mass killings?” The replies come fast and furious with meme’s!

    So CitiBank pushes for the age of 21. Why the age of 21? At that age does all rage and homicidal thoughts just magically stop? Does one, at 21, suddenly say, “Ya know, yesterday, when I was 20, I drank and drove and texted. Today though, now that I am 21, I no longer do stupid shit!”

    Here is something to REASON Mr. CEO of CitiBank. How many 21 year olds are using a phone to text with right now and are also driving a car? I bet you see them every day on your way to work or to pick up your kids from school. I will stand with you when you tell Sprint, Verizon and AT&T to do a background check on anyone under 21 and they cannot sell to anyone under 21 without parental permission.

    How is it that at 17 we can give a guy a rifle and send him off to war, to possible kill others and to die himself but back home he is not good enough, smart enough or trusting enough according to your standards to have a long rifle and a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds??

    How are we able to place a 16 year old behind a 4k pound missle and then tell them you can’t get a long rifle till you’re 21 cause, well you may hurt yourself or others? When will your kids drive? At age 21? Ya, let’s see you try and enforce that one.

    Have you ever considered that many kids, under 21, use a long rifle for sport and for competition? So they should give up their sports?

    What of the kids, under 21, who have used a long rifle to defend themselves or others? Does it piss you off if someone defends themselves instead of waiting for police? Most LEO’s tell me they would love to prevent all crimes but 9 out of 10 times they are there for the aftermath and reports.

    Mr. CitiBank CEO, you didn’t do this because you want a real change you did this because you want social PC brownie points. So all the SJW’s look at you like a real trail blazer. So you can have a little feel good moment about your self and say, “Well I did my part in saving kids! Now, how much shall I give to Planned Parenthood this month?”

    I have 3 credit cards with your company. I have been faithful in all my payments to them. I have enjoyed using them, they have bought me mucho ammo, several pistols and 3 glorious long rifles…and guess what? None have ever just hauled off and shot a single person!

    Those 3 cards will now taste the carbon steel of my uber shredder, which ironically was bought using my Citibank card.

    End of my rant.

  6. Brutal Buddha says:

    And people don’t think the Rockefellers care about us…Obviously they’re making this decision to best protect us and our children. As always, CITI, leads the way in integrity and customer concern. Thank you for keeping the sheeple safe from themselves!! RIP Big Dave 🙂

  7. CWG says:

    Can banks refuse service to those whose business is providing access to a civil right? Can banks force extra legal restrictions on those firms?

    And so, can banks also refuse service to those firms who provide political speech? Unions, lobbying firms, trade groups, etc?

    Also “bake my fucking cake”

  8. Easton S. says:

    “(1) they don’t sell firearms to someone who hasn’t passed a background check”

    I would expect a statement like this from a credit company…

    “(2) they restrict the sale of firearms for individuals under 21 years of age”

    This makes me very uncomfortable, but I’ll still hear what you have to say…

    “(3) they don’t sell bump stocks or high-capacity magazines.”

    Thank you, I’ll no longer be requiring your services. Goodbye.

  9. Mehmaster says:

    Oh noes broskies!!! The gunpackalypes has begun. Maybe the 2a community will participate in the national dialogue. Maybe generate a little light and less heat. Or you can keep letting le Penn and the gun manufacturers speak for you. Age limits, background checks, and restricting shit that circumvents the law seems pretty fucking reasonable.or keep yelling about your rights while the perfect storm of public perception and congressional control continues to align itself against you.

    • Dellis says:

      Age limits? So a young lady, moving out on her own at 19 is not able to lawfully buy a gun to protect herself? Perhaps we can get a law passed where criminals must age check all their victims first?

      Background checks? I would challenge you to walk into any FFL gunstore and just buy a rifle or handgun and not get a background check. Form 4473.

      Restrict what? Full auto is restricted. I can’t legally own a grenade launcher, that’s restricted. Last I checked pipe bombs and C4 is also restricted.

      Or do you mean a full semi-auto? Cause ya, those should never be allowed in public hands.

      • Andrew says:

        Why can’t you legally own a grenade launcher? Isn’t that an “arm”? Don’t you believe in your “right to bear arms”? Are you saying the government has illegally restricted your constitutional rights and you and the NRA will do absolutely nothing about it?

        • Mehmaster says:

          Scotus has already resolved than you can’t just own wtf you want because some items pose a great risk to the public. Move to Somalia, you can own whatever wazoo shit your money can buy.

          • Pat says:

            No, you totally can legally own a grenade launcher. I have several friends who do. It is however onerous to legally store grenades. The few people I know who own them had to have the ATF come to their AHA and confirm it meets all of the requirements.

          • Andrew Cunningham says:

            How can people fight a tyrannical government and its professional military without grenade and rocket launchers? It’s almost as though that entire argument is moot, wouldn’t you say?

    • Yawnz says:

      When have the gun manufacturers spoken for any gun owner? Provide some actual evidence.

    • balais says:

      What you think “assault weapons bans”,”magazine size limits”, “Australia solutions”, and “comprehensive gun control” mean?

      Anti-gunners dont just want improved background checks, age limits, and other legislation that most gun owners can get behind. They want the whole kit and caboodle.

      And the media isn’t interested in dialogue with gun owners because they have an agenda.

    • Jeremy says:

      There are already age limits. There are already background checks. There are already countless firearms laws on the books. Another ignorant argument.

      • Mehmaster says:

        Cool story bro… Tell me why I purchased a fnx-9 mm in the parking lot of a target in Florida. All I needed was cash and my driver’s liscense.

        • Dellis says:

          Hey bro, it’s called a “private property sale”. Meaning, you bought private property from a NON-FFL person.

          Now again, walk into say, a Bass Pro shop and tell them you want to buy a FNX-9 but you only want to give cash plus your driver license. Let’s see how far that goes.

  10. Marcus says:

    Super fantastic Citi.

    After sticking with them for years, they just stuck it to me with this decision.

    But that’s OK. I just went down the street and opened a new account. They gave me a brand new credit card and all the same services. Bonus? It was actually cheaper and also relatively painless to do.

    Notwithstanding the fact their entire statement was pathos based hyperbole, who needs the aggravation. Since when does a bank tell you what you can and can’t purchase?


  11. CRBR says:

    Another reason to join a community bank or credit union, these international global banks have no skin in the game when it comes to your neighborhood, town, state, etc.

  12. Seamus says:

    Time for Uncle Sam to change its Government Travel Card bank. I do not want to be forced to do business with these clowns.

    • SamHill says:

      Just saying these things on a random website will not get it done gents.
      All of you need to be writing, emailing or calling your congressmen. There are websites that help you find out who that is with very little hassle.

  13. HenryB says:

    Citibank should not issue credit cards to people who might use guns in school shootings. If they do issue such a card to such a person, Citibank should be liable.
    Let’see how these fuckers like that!

    • Andrew says:

      Your statement relies on the notion that you genuinely expect more mass school shootings to continue in America. That it’s just a regular occurrence, like taxes and bills.

      Meanwhile in the rest of the developed world, if mass murder of children were to occur, it wouldn’t be viewed as “business as usual”.

      • Kev says:

        That spin of mass murders of children being business as usual originated in your mind, no matter how much hyperbole you throw behind it.

        Mass shootings will happen; on american soil, in a mall in nairobi, in a concert venue in paris, in a youth camp in norway, in a school in Beslan…. If you aren’t expecting these to occur you’re woefully unprepared.

  14. Whit says:

    I called Saturday morning and cancelled my Citi Master Card. The very perky lady on the phone asked me why I was canceling after being a customer for seven years. I told her that because of the restrictions Citi was placing on gun dealers and owners, I could no longer do business with them.

    There was a silent pause, and then a very subdued “OK.” She then said that she admired me for standing up for what I believe in!

  15. james says:

    this from a company who targets students and others with deceptive marketing to go deeply into debt… they are far from a moral compass…

  16. SShink says:

    “they don’t sell firearms to someone who hasn’t passed a background check”
    Tell me where you can buy a firearm with a credit card and NOT be subject to a background check.
    This is virtue signalling drivel.

    It amazes me that a company which profits from Capitalist transactions would turn away such opportunity…another example of how liberalism is a mental disorder

    • Andrew Cunningha says:

      Anyone can go on Craigslist or Armslist and use Paypal or Venmo to easily purchase guns with their credit cards. No background check required.

      • SSD says:

        You’re trying, very poorly I might add, to be facetious, right?

        • Andrew Cunningham says:

          “Tell me where you can buy a firearm with a credit card and NOT be subject to a background check.”

          Did my comment give a legitimate answer to that request or did it not?

          • SSD says:

            Untrue. You cannot use PayPal to purchase a firearm. It violates their terms of service. Likewise, using VenMo to pay for any good or service not specifically authorized by a VenMo certified business violates their terms of service.

            • Andrew Cunningham says:

              I guess you’re right, I didn’t realize Paypal specifically prohibits firearms purchases. I suppose one could still do a direct cash transfer as friends/family with their service, though that would be without a credit card.

              Venmo on the other hand, from my reading of their user agreement, only states that you cannot violate any law pertaining to firearms. As far as I can tell, the implication is that you can still do a person to person sale, which doesn’t require background checks in the majority of states.

              I realize this goes beyond the scope of purchasing firearms at a licensed business, but the reality is that you can legally purchase a firearm with a credit card just about anywhere in the U.S. without a background check, you just need the right app and online listing.

              • SSD says:

                Once again, it is a violation of VenMo’s terms of service to pay for goods or services from someone who is not an authorized VenMo seller. Consequently, unless an individual is authorized by Venmo to sell firearms using their money transfer service, it is a violation of their terms of service. Find me an individual, or a company for that matter, who is authorized by Venmo to use their service to pay for firearms.

              • Dellis says:

                Andrew, I don’t get your point. How many thugs are buying guns, legal or illegally, with credit cards or PayPal?

                Not sure how many gangbangers are walking into Academy and buying shotties and Glocks with their CitiBank credit cards. I am sure they are a cash only kinda group, eh?

    • TominVA says:

      What’s liberalism?

      I doubt if Citi will take much of a hit to it’s bottom line on this – if any.

  17. Scott says:

    Hmmm – very strange. Just placed an order on the Magpul website for 4 PMag 30 rnd magazines with my Sears Citi Bank Mastercard. Order processed with no issues. Guess I will make this my preferred card for all firearms related purchases from this point onward. Thanks Citi

    PS – I purchased the black ones because they are especially scary to all Snowflakes

  18. Stefan S. says:

    First, lets ban all smartphones for 16 year old with a drivers license. Make owing a smartphone at 21 and limit the texting apps to under 10.
    I didn’t swear to support and defend the constitution so some narcissistic snowflake (You David Hogg) can whine about my 2 A right.

    Good luck kid, it ain’t happening.

  19. Stone11C says:

    “Of course it’s guns, gun owners, and the NRA at fault for every single bad thing that ever happens to anyone!”

    It’s not like MSD High School FAILED multiple times in their efforts to have Nicholas Cruz found mentally unstable. All of which they dropped instead of completing in the safety interests of their students. It’s not like they FAILED utterly in their banning his presence on campus.
    It’s not like said psychologists FAILED in their responsibility to find him mentally unstable and therefore incapable of purchasing a firearm through legal means.
    It’s not like the local Law Enforcement agencies FAILED MISERABLY to arrest him at their MULTIPLE calls to his several residences over an extended period. One of which was a DOMESTIC ASSAULT call that absolutely qualifies him as part of the “No Gun Club!”
    It’s not like the Federal Bureau of Investigation FAILED multiple times after being given multiple warnings brought on by his internet activity. Of course then they spout LIE AFTER LIE about not being able to track his IP address!
    It’s not like MULTIPLE sworn officers FAILED MISERABLY in their duty to protect every student killed or wounded when they either refused to enter the school or followed the orders of that piece of shit Sherriff Israel not to IMMEDIATELY ENGAGE the shooter!


    Guns, gun owners, and the NRA didn’t have one damned thing to do with Parkland and everyone with a working brain knows it! To Hell with anyone using yet another case of people not allowed to defend themselves as political currency to screw over everyone not involved in the first place!

    Oh, and ”Mehmaster,” GFY. It’s called a perfectly legal personal sale which only requires the purchaser to be a state resident or a NICS check at an FFL and shipping to a resident state FFL if being bought by an out of state resident. Of course you’d like nothing more than the NICS system used as a de facto registry, right? It’s not like a father has any right to hand down a firearm to his children or buy one for his daughter or son as a gift, right? It’s not like a 19 year old moving away from home for the first time ever should have any form of personal protection( both a right and point of personal honor), right? Again, you gutless little troll, G.F.Y. and all your little livestock friends!

    • Dellis says:

      Obama and Holder along with several school districts purposely looked the other way with many troubled kids. Schools make money off heads…as in kids. More kids in school means more money for school.

      So police and schools worked together to look the other way. This kid slipped thru all the cracks and tragedy happened. The scary thing now? How many more of these kids are plotting something?

      • Stone11C says:

        Thankfully there are actual law enforcement officers willing to do their jobs and stories of these kids being arrested before a crime are “magically” becoming more common lately. One happened in Lexington, KY, 2 hours from the Federal Penitentiary I work at. By the left’s corrupted way of thinking that qualifies someone as a subject matter expert on “gun violence.”

  20. Stickman says:

    They join the scumbags at Instagram and Facebook, no real shock.