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NDIA remembers President George H.W. Bush

ARLINGTON, VA — We at the National Defense Industrial Association mourn the passing of George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United States and true advocate for the warfighter through his service in the military and in office.

The U.S. defense industrial base entered a new era under Bush. In 1991, Operation Desert Storm saw the United States leading a global coalition that would feature the latest in military might and technology. Upon this base, many of the technologies and advancements for today’s warfighter were built. Bush’s leadership showcased U.S. capability on the world stage, and it has served as an example of bringing leading-edge technologies to the warfighter for years to come.

Bush was the last U.S. president to have served in World War II and used his diplomacy and skill to navigate the intricacies of the end of the Cold War and of the nuclear threats hanging over the world. What a remarkable point for a man who was the youngest naval aviator, enlisted at age 19 and decorated at age 20 when his plane was shot down over the Pacific Ocean.

In 1993, NDIA thanked Bush for his service to the nation’s military with the Dwight D. Eisenhower Award, our highest honor, given to those who invest in strong national security, a robust defense industrial base and unwavering support of warfighters. As Navy serviceman, congressman, CIA director, U.N. ambassador, vice president and ultimately president, Bush was an embodiment of the award.

We thank President George H.W. Bush for his life of service to our country, and with his family, friends and the country we mourn his loss.

2 Responses to “NDIA remembers President George H.W. Bush”

  1. AC says:

    R.I.P. 41

  2. Class03180S says:

    I respect GHWB as a warrior and a leader, and I am thankful for his service.

    But let’s not forget that this “true advocate for the warfighter” banned the import of semi automatic rifles in March 1989, and made the ban permanent in July 1989. To me, his legacy is stained by this unforgivable and unconstitutional action.

    Politics aside, I still mourn his loss.