GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Happy 4th of July!

So many of our national holidays are somber affairs. This is one where you can truly whoop it up and celebrate what created this country!

What does America mean to you?

18 Responses to “Happy 4th of July!”

  1. jjj0309 says:

    A country filled with free men seeking for freedom in the world full of slaves falsely believes they are free. A nation that can endure and heal any dangers and trials from outside or within. The sole lighting beacon shines upon the dark age. The land of the free.
    Happy 4th of July.

  2. TheFull9 says:

    This is purely as someone who wishes to one day be able to say they’re a US citizen, but the sheer fact the American constitution exists and is fought for so vehemently by so many is just amazing. The intrinsic rights that it protects for people have come under ever increasing attack in many countries around the world, but nowhere else has the same enshrined protections. People think making things illegal will save them via the government proxy and they’re happy to trample on others’ freedoms in that process. Every time I’m in the US and have the privilege to speak to people with a *true* each-to-their-own attitude it’s like coming up for air.

    • Pete says:

      Preach. We have seen much blood shed for various ideals, but we bind ourselves to words. That was and is a radical idea two hundred odd years later.

  3. reader says:

    Happy Treason Day, ungrateful colonials

  4. Paul T. McCain says:

    America is the land that provided a safe place to live to my grandfather who managed to get out of Germany before Hitler rose to power and who raised a family here. It is the land that protects my freedom to worship God as I please, without a state run church telling me what I must and must not believe and do. America is the country that cherishes liberty and that, in spite of her faults, is the greatest nation in the history of the world. May God ever bless America, the land that I love. I’m proud to be an American.

  5. Paul T. McCain says:

    Oh, and I just returned from yet another wonderful trip to the gun club where I exercised the right to keep and bear arms. ‘Merica.

  6. Will Rodriguez says:

    America is the promise of what can be and what free men should be.

    Happy Fourth! to my fellow Americans.

    And to the rest of the world, “You’re Welcome.”

  7. Aaron Orr says:

    Happy Fourth everyone and Thank you SSD for the F.Y. to the whingeing Swish-baby Colin Kaepernick.

  8. Stefan S. says:

    23 of my ancestors (on my mother’s side) fought and bled for American Independence. They are listed on the Oriskany Battlefield Monument (Oriskany, NY). So it means to me that men with little provisions, arms, and support took a stand for freedom and won!. They could have easily stayed out of the conflict. Like many more did (2/3 of the population didn’t support the cause). They grabbed their weapon, shot, powder and marched to the sound of the guns! That for me is America. Some people sacrificed all for those that didn’t agree or support them, yet were recipients of the hard fought freedom.

  9. Linz says:

    Happy Treason Day Yanks!

    Always welcome to rejoin the Commonwealth.

    • Roy woodall says:

      We’ll keep our freedom. Thanks.

    • BlufOperations says:

      Gee, thanks but no thanks! We’ve been doing for the last couple of hundred years, we will be fine moving forward. Now, back outside to blast more Chinese made fireworks!

    • Papa6 says:

      Thanks; but no thanks. I’ve seen what the Commonwealth will get ya . . .

  10. Israel Hoffman says:

    High Blood Pressure and Crippling Debt

  11. Dellis says:

    It is painful to see and hear so many people, “Americans”, today not even grasp what the 4th is about and why we celebrate it.

    Generations now have lived under this freedom and therefore the majority do not appreciate it nor the literal blood, sweat and tears it took from others to gain this freedom. Our early patriots came to the thought, “Maybe we do not need a king to tell us what we can and cannot do, perhaps we can govern ourselves?!” Only in America can a German, French, Japanese come to America and become an “American”. One can move to Germany but they will never be German, or French or Japanese, etc.

    America…she is not perfect but she is the best the world has to offer.