
You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

We were pleased to receive this note from an old friend.

Eric have been enjoying the festivities up at Ski Cooper honoring the 10th Mountain Division and the 99th Infantry Battalion Separate ( OSS NORSO GRP)…Ski in Daze (10th Mtn Div assoc) 4-24 SFA ( Ski In) Anyhow I’ve taken to doing some gear testing/ camping after the events at the old Camp Hale site… was thinking about you…If your a skier we’ll have to get you out here one year. The chapter has been doing a great job, gets better and better every year. Usually includes some time at the Pasttime bar… next door to the sporting house where Barry Sadler was raised in Leadville Colorado. As always thanks for what you do!

The M-29C Studebaker Weasel just happened to be at Camp Hale this year, it kicked butt in some deep snow… even got to drive it some:)

Best/Lance Hollars

 Group One Equipment 

3 Responses to “You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up”

  1. Jeb says:

    Great products, great customer service, fellow Coloradoan and phenomenal personal communication with Group1. Best woobie thus far with some of these colds we’ve had come in.

  2. MRC says:

    Sorry I missed it Lance, E & D were representing! I stayed at Camp Hale for two nights during the Trans Rockies Race a few years ago, albeit in summer so no skiing.


  3. G1E says:

    Thank you for the kind words and for the mention! It was great to see those guys we had a lot of fun and great conditions. The guys were pretty good skiers, strong on those Romp skis! You sure get a lot of places T, we talked about the different races up that way and the elevations, glad you made it to Hale. Usually it’s been extreme weather and no one except the Hut folks passing through or a few locals during the day, the group down at Hale had a bunch of 5 man Arctic Tents w/ stoves, cots, Razor’s, snow mobiles, etc…found a nice safe place a way in the trees. The stars are incredible up there! Hope to see y’all up there and take good care!!