GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

This is for TominVA

77 Responses to “This is for TominVA”

  1. Electrician says:


  2. GANDIS says:

    Shots fired!

  3. Iggy says:

    Why are both candidates so committed to bringing out the stupidest elements in society. Race to the bottom defined.

  4. some_guy says:

    Trump has supported gun control as well. Whoever wins, we lose.

    • Amer-Rican says:

      Spoken like a true demoRat.

      • G says:

        Is he wrong?

        • Yawnz says:

          Is he? What gun control, specifically, has he supported? Bump stock ban? Please. Bump stocks were expensive gimmicks that weren’t even needed to bump-fire a weapon. It was a bait tactic.

          • G says:

            It’s still increased legislation that we can likely agree isn’t going away. We can hypothesize why they allowed it, but that’s all that is. A hypothesis. The reality is that’s one more law against firearms.

          • mike says:

            Trump didn’t ban bumpstocks.


            He used an EO to turn a non-gun accessory into a machine gun that’s post 86 therefore unownable to most gun owners.

            Mark my words, the next Democrat president will make all Semi-auto firearms into machine guns with the precedent ole’ Donnie Boy wrapped up for them with a bow.

  5. Sunny says:

    Cant see an issue to ban .50 MGs, even if they are transferable.
    Sporting weapons are no weapons of war – so he clearly does not aim for an AR15 or .50 AMR, so whats the issue here?

    • Vic Toree says:

      RE: he clearly does not aim for an AR15…

      If you’re not familiar with what the AWB did, here’s a link:


      Ignore the weapons of war hyperbole, he’s saying he secured a 10 year ban on these weapons and wants to do it again.

      It banned the Colt AR15 by name and any any copies or duplicates of it in any caliber. It’s pretty clearly aimed at the AR15, among many others.

    • Easy E says:

      Not sure if you’re being sarcastic, trolling, or are ignorant on the subject. Politically speaking, weapons of war has been used for years to refer to semi-automatic at and AK type firearms.

      • Joe says:

        Weapons of war politically refer to AR-15s, for now..

        Then they realize pump-action shotguns are used in Afghanistan right now and are therefore weapons of war….

        And then they realize the 1911 handgun was used in world war II and is therefore a weapon of war…

        And then they realize bolt action rifles are used as sniper rifles…

        That’s why they say the only want to ban “weapons of war” or only want “reasonable” gun control. They get to control the fuzzy definition of those terms, and move the goalpost every year.

        • Easy E says:

          Yes, I completely agree that it’ll just be expanded to cover everything given enough time. There is no compromise to be made. Gun owners have long lost more and more, with the promise of “surrender X, and we’re good.” Turns out, it’s never enough. They’ll come for all the handguns, shotguns, bolt guns, and everything else.

    • Easy E says:

      Also, what’s the gain from banning .50 MGs that are transferable? Forcibly taking away someone’s property for what exactly?

  6. Ex Coelis says:

    As the Aussie’s say “It takes a lot of narrow cheek to hold up a narrow mind”.
    Good luck with that one Slow-Joe; with this recent campaign slogan you’ve just managed to shoot yourself in both feet with one bullet….

  7. Billy Pilgrim says:

    Its time to let the fear take ahold again. We can barely control how much lead is acceptable in drinking water.

    • redbeard says:

      Zero to be clear. From there, it’s treatment and that gets complex.
      On Tralfamadore, much more is acceptable.

  8. Jack Chan says:

    I think they should help people with mental health

  9. James says:

    NYAG just announced a lawsuit to dissolve the NRA as well.

    • redbeard says:


    • Joe says:

      I’m pretty pessimistic about gun rights going forward.

      1. The NRA is under attack and is as disorganized as it’s ever been

      2. Gun control groups are well-funded by billionaire sugar daddies

      3. Democrats are looking to make a clean sweep of Congress in the White House according to polls.

      4. Gun control it’s a hot topic again that they’re looking to push.

      5. The supreme Court refuses to enforce DC vs Heller, and pretends like the second amendment, unlike all the other amendments, has no power to limit government.

      The only way that the second amendment could have been protected for the next four years was if they took the New York case and ruled that strict scrutiny applies to second amendment cases. That didn’t happen because Roberts has made it clear to the conservatives on the court that he’s unwilling to strike down any any gun control. In the next 4 years, Ginsburg and Thomas will be replaced by democrats, giving them a liberal majority and then that’s it.

      All I can say is buy now, and have your boat ready for an “accident”

      • Mehmaster says:

        There are other pro 2a political organization to give your money to that won’t misuse it for personal purposes. After burning a cool 100 million on the whole Ackerman debacle and the upcoming legal battles in DC and NY they won’t have the money to be the lobbying powerhouse they are currently regarded as.

        • Stickman says:

          While I agree there are other Pro-RKBA organizations which manage money better, and push for better laws, there are none with the size, scope, or reach of the NRA.

          I would humbly suggest people consider being a part of more than one organization to provide more care and coverage for our 2A rights.

  10. Kush says:

    Exactly. The percentage of firearm deaths committed with a rifle statistically small, and the number of those that are committed with so-called “assault weapons” is even smaller. And even smaller than that are offenses committed with NFA items, registered and unregistered. It’s a fraction of a percent.
    But, things labeled “weapons of war” and “assault weapons” sound skeery and get the sheep all riled up. Sad.

    • Sapperldr35 says:

      Statistics and Reality do not matter when it comes to politics. My great CT Senator Chris Murphy, now wants police out of schools, but right after Newtown he wanted them in and wanted AR’s banned along with high cap mags.

  11. Roy Woodall says:

    In 2020 a vote for a Democrat is a vote for treason.

    • notatick says:

      Yes, we should all just get in line and vote as you think we should. In fact, there should be a law only allowing people who think like you –or the administration you support– to vote. Then, we’d finally have the perfect society. Not this messy democracy with all its “ideas” and challenges to “right think”.

      • Roy Woodall says:

        That is what you will get with Democrats and their communist collaborators in antifa and blm.

    • Iggy says:

      Maybe, but so is voting for a guy who chose to side with the head of Enemy intelligence rather his own. Youre screwed both ways. Good luck.

      • Yawnz says:

        Care to elaborate and cite sources?

        • Iggy says:

          There are none either way, thats the point. Its all factless conspiracy and fake news whichever side you like to be on. Even the candidates dont bother with sources. Theyre both harvesting popularist numbers based on whatever bullshit they throw out sticks. Sources? Any repute there had the curtain pulled off years ago when media leaks became the main game in town and the accusation prevailed over evidence.
          The only ‘fact’ is that both options are con men and either flavor will be that of a shit sandwich. Vote how you want because several million wont matter and the result be just another old player who played whatever it took to win. Just dont expect anything other.

  12. Brady Reitz says:

    Be careful grabbing the barrel, Joe. It’s gonna be hot

  13. Mehmaster says:

    My confusion is this; weapons are designed to destroy a certain threat. Carbine= infantry, carbine+penetrating ammo= ceramic plates. For anything beyond dismounts you need AT weapons, MANPADS, recoilless rifles..etc. please bear with me here. within the current legal framework the American populace can effectively resist the tyranny of dismounts with no body armor or soft armor only. This is also assuming the god like powers of the intelligence enterprise has not been turned inwards. Who really thinks they have the requisite know-how and resources to conduct electronic protect,uw, and counter intelligence against the intelligence aperatus of a super-power without the direct aid of another super power? Consider that a couple pineland alumni got rolled up by Cuban intelligence and venuzuelean fishermen before they could even infil. What does this have to do with 2a? I think the second amendment is the law of the land and should not be infringed on for that reason alone. But I have a hard time imagining how even the most skilled practitioners with carbines could overcome the u.s intelligence community and the department of defense if they turned on the American people. I don’t think more long guns are the answer to a single problem that plagues America today but gun ownership is enshrined in the constitution. How does this compare to the bump stock ban? Both unconstitutional?

    • Roy Woodall says:

      If there is NO power in a bunch of stubborn guys with guns then explain Afghanistan. A superpower with all its resources is not stronger than human will. Freedom will prevail.

    • miclo18d says:

      Oh ye of little faith.

      The dirt farmers of Afghanistan have soundly beat the most sophisticated military in the world. You don’t think that it couldn’t happen here?

      Not to mention the political leanings that make up a majority of the military and police? You think after a month of killing their fellow Americans, that they are going to go full commie or full AWOL with their equipment?

      The ones that do stay and attempt to confiscate and arrest the owners of 250 million weapons are in for a bad day after day after day of getting in firefights. Even with all the armor they have and cool guy kit won’t stop the lucky shot to the unprotected areas even shot by the most rank amateur shooter. Then you get in the fights with the professionals that know what they’re doing….well, suffice to say, it will get messy.

      “God-like intelligence apparatus” Lmfao! It took us 10 years to find a 6ft tall medically compromised Saudi in Pakistan for goodness sakes!

      Your story of a couple of disillusioned SF rejects is just that, a funny story, that left us, in the community, face palming ourselves in shame that these clowns had visions of grandeur and cha-ching $$$ on their minds. Play silly games, win silly prizes.

      I could do the job you’re talking about with an FP-45 Liberator. The entire concept of UW is lost on you, in my opinion.

      • Gizzle says:

        Exactly. Besides, civil wars get ugly fast. Even if the military/intelligence community/etc. decided to have a real fight, how long does that will to fight last when the SWAT officer’s wife and kids get ambushed shopping, or the intel guy’s house gets torched? It would be even worse than Afghanistan, we don’t bring our families over there to live with us.

      • Roy Woodall says:

        De Oppresso Liber takes on a special meaning when your the one trying to keep the communist boot off your face. Death to communism; death to tyrants.

      • Mehmaster says:

        Taliban/haqqini are supported by foreign funding, get nation state expertise from Pakistan intelligence agencies, and have de facto safe areas within Pakistan to use as bivouac.

        Commie/AWOL Is a different argument, are we depending on military defection and an influx of men,weapons and equipment to stave of tyranny?

        Bin laden was a billionaire supported by Pakistani intelligence, the entirety of AQ and Taliban giving him a helping hand, and he was craftily hidden in thier version of west point

        Enlighten me how you will fight UW against a near peer advasary without duffle bags full of op funds, dedicated resupply, secured comms, and all the other stuff we take for granted like GPS.

        • miclo18d says:

          Not sure you can be enlightened, but I’ll give it a go.

          The ISI is not in control of the Talibs. The “bivouac” is an unregulated tribal area aka their cousins. Their support comes from the people (I never saw Afghans in Helmand running to Pakistan, they hid among the ppl…aka UW)

          Commie /AWOL is not a different subject, it will be part of what happens. Everyone will have to choose a side. Which side will the military choose? It won’t matter bc individuals will have to choose. Stave off tyranny? No, they will be part of the tyranny or they won’t, not a difficult concept.

          The bin Ladin example was possibly hyperbole, but the reality is that the government can collect massive amounts of data but can’t sift through it very well. IRL it’s not Jack Bauer and CTU with some hacker that can find all the info in 30 seconds. It takes years to track down sophisticated ANALOG cells that have been practicing techniques for long periods of time and as soon as you take one down 4 more spring into place.

          Near peer? USA, PRC, and RUS are what is called “near peer” and insurgency would not be considered “near peer”, it would be an insurgency, like in AFG, which again has kept the greatest military on earth at bay for close to 20 years. Like I said an FP-45 liberator is all you need and if you don’t understand that concept, you’re not going to get any of it and you might as well work on using words like: inclusive, intersectionality, pink tax, woke, and diversity. You’ll fit in just nicely Tovarisch Mehmaster!

  14. Iggy says:

    Calm down, youre getting stooged. Its just empty electioneering to rev up emotion, itll never happen. No different to build the wall etc. these are showmen politicians stoking fires to see what sticks and this is a perennial favorite.

    • Philip says:

      Not quite — DNC’s “Official Platform” for election 2020 states the party’s long-term desire to destroy the American firearms industry as we know it.

      And you’d better believe with as angry and vindictive as the Left has become, they will absolutely try it if they get the voting majority.

      Has the overreach seen from governmental authorities in the midst of this pandemic taught us nothing? We would be wise to take their anti-liberty threats at face value.

    • Joe says:

      You’ve got to be kidding me

      When Beto said “hell yeah I’m going to take your guns” did you notice how all the Democrats in the room clapped?

      There was gun bans before, you have got your head in the sand if you think it’s not going to happen again if they have the chance. It’s guaranteed to go much further than the last one, just look the bills they try to get passed every year.

      And they’ll never stop pushing for more, politics demands it.
      If you’re an new up-and-coming urban liberal Democrat, you’ve got to make a name for yourself and get on the record as being anti-gun, and the only way you can do that is by introducing new gun control.

      Just look at California, regardless of what they’ve had on the books there’s more every year. They had “reasonable” gun control decades ago,but reasonable is a pretty easy goal post to move.

      As long as there’s Democrats who think it’s only “reasonable” to be like Australia, you can guess where the end goal is.

    • Roy Woodall says:

      Except that antifa and blm are stoking actual fires in Portland and Seattle and if you can’t see the difference between the two political parties you probably never will. You either are on the side of freedom or your not.

    • Chuck says:

      Cool. Still voting for Trump.

    • Easy E says:

      There was already a Federal Assault Weapon Ban in the 1990s. It doesn’t appear to have accomplished anything. Various states have continued to chip away at the rights of guns owners within their borders, and the number of states doing this has increased.

      I don’t believe it’s “getting stooged” to believe that a Biden presidency would take a far more proactive approach towards taking chunks of rights away from law abiding citizens.

    • El Terryble says:

      That’s what the Jews in Germany said about Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

  15. Marcus says:

    I don’t vote party, I vote issues. But it’s the people who vote Democrat like it’s a team sport who got us to this juncture. Period. Full stop.

    This is just one more usurpation from a guy who doesn’t even know where he is most days. No. Just no.

    *Does the Joe Biden shuffle away from the platform*

  16. Philip says:

    Tom has awfully silent on this thread.

    Then again, most leftists have an aversion to truth.

  17. J says:

    So disappointing… I sometimes wonder why the Democratic Party has to push such broad and fruitless endeavors. I guess I’ll be voting for Kanye.

  18. Mick says:

    Good thing you’re not on tiktok, or you wouldn’t be able to say that ( you know since we’re talking about politicians shredding constitutional rights).

    • Philip says:

      Please tell us where the right to use data mining spyware created by belligerent foreign nations is mentioned in the Constitution?

  19. Jon says:

    This one of many reasons I’m teaching my seniors to vote and fight for congressional term limits. To me, it’s equate to a tug of war every year wasting taxpayer money and politically polarizing our communities. While this is not a “fix all” solution, it is dreadfully needed to prevent encroachment on multiple rights and prevent/root out political corruption from both sides.

    • Papa6 says:

      I’ve thought this would be a good beginning to fix the problem in DC for a long time. Limit both houses to three consecutive terms and give the president one, six year term.

  20. Ed says:

    Tom in VA, where you hiding?? With Biden??? ?

  21. Papa6 says:

    After watching one of Biden’s interviews, this is clearly a case of elder abuse. Someone needs to call adult protective services on Biden’s campaign team. They are clearly abusing an elderly person with cognitive disability for their own gain.

  22. El Terryble says:

    America is on the brink of a second civil war; all it would take to push us over the edge is a single mass casualty incident akin to what happened in Austin, TX last week when a BLM thug (a white guy of course) pointed his AK at an off-duty Sergeant in the Army moonlighting for a ride share company, and got what was coming to him. Frankly, I think President Trump has done an abysmal job as president, especially in the last 7 months, but he is all that stands between America and an all out Communist dictatorship. His reelection will do little but serve as a speed bump for the oncoming Marxist-Maoist-Leninist-Islamist juggernaut; but it will buy time for necessary planning and organization that will be required for Operation Pound of Flesh. The Dems and their law enforcement surrogates in the FBI, BATFE, and throughout the bureaucracy, lied about Stephen Paddock (yes, I speak his name, because not being able to name your enemy prohibits one from learning their methods, and is stupid) and the largest mass shooting in American history (Paddock was likely a convert to Islam and the shooting bears the trademarks of the Islamic State); they blatantly lied about Obama directing the sabotage of LTGEN Mike Flynn and the weaponization of federal law enforcement and intelligence services against their political opposition; Epstein didn’t kill himself; they seek to colonize America with third world immigrants; use Silicon Valley tech to establish the Panopticon on American citizens; they have weaponized COVID-19 to sink the economy and oppress Christians, Conservatives, and law abiding citizens, while Antifa and BLM are allowed to set up autonomous zones in major American cities and wage war against the government; if they are willing to lie, cheat, and steal to this degree now, what do you thing they’re going to do if they win in November?

    It’s too late for them to confiscate the guns, they will implement an incident, like the George Floyd farce (watch the body cam footage that was leaked last week that puts in doubt the culpability of the officer’s), and stage a tyrannical reign of terror on the American People. Buckle up, we ain’t seen nothin yet.


  23. Mehmaster says:

    I have slept in every cold shitty woodline in Europe. Lots of exposure and lots of liberalism. I can’t even describe the tyranny of free health care, high quality food, and the absolute certainty that no one will shoot me. Get out of the house man travel the world. it’s easy to believe a narrative if you never explore and expose yourself to other cultures.Also, Who in their right mind celebrates an American service member killing an American veteran?

    The whole black rifle thing hat’s a 2021 conversation between sleepy joes administration, the NRA( if they still exist), and chief justice John Roberts.

    • Ed says:

      Dude, WTF are you even referencing??? Good on you for back packing across Europe! I served in several Euro-social countries myself conducting JCET’s and cross training with certain “peers”. Whoop-de-do! I have no clue what a vet was shot by an active service member? Did he run the gate at a base?? Your closing blabbering statement about sleepy joe, NRA and John Roberts makes no sense at all! Maybe my four year old could enlighten me since she probably knows more about current political domestic affairs and foreign more than you!
