TYR Tactical

Commies Don’t Surf T-Shirt

Available in four colors, sizes Small – XXLarge, the shirt speaks for itself.


8 Responses to “Commies Don’t Surf T-Shirt”

  1. iggy says:

    no but socialists do.

    • SSD says:

      A socialist is just a communist who isn’t being honest with himself.

      • Iggy says:

        I knew i didnt like those Norwegians, Dutch and Australians for some reason. All those years fighting commies and they were on the same damned side.

        • Brabo says:

          As a Dutchman, and I can safely say for other European countries too. WE ARE NOT FUCKING SOCIALST. WE ARE CAPITALIST WITH SOCIAL POLICIES. IT’S CALLED SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY OR WELLFARE. ok i’m done.

          • realist says:

            wow, you need to be careful, these amerimutts can not distinguish between social policies and full blown communism. Having to pay for the ambulance does that to you.

  2. Bill says:

    “Commies don’t surf, and apparently they don’t fly.” – Augusto Pinochet

  3. Ed says:

    Rafal Ganowitz was asked what does it feel like to take a human life, “I wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever killed communists.”

  4. Bob says:

    Nikolai Popov disagrees.