SIG SAUER - Never Settle

How The Zombies Ate Your Guns in 2013 2017 2019 2021

It’s that time again, like a zombie, DiFi and her list for your Guns never goes away, she just keeps coming back for more. And by more, this time, she’s packed even more guns she wants to ban in her legislative agenda. She’s lost a lot of clout in the Democratic Party over the past few years so we’ll see how this goes for her. Democrats haven’t held all of the marbles since 2009 and Obamacare was their primary legislative agenda. She might just hit pay dirt this time.

The funny thing is, this has been going on for so long, she now looks better in our zombie image than she does in real life.

There once was a powerful zombie queen named Dianne. Dianne doesn’t seem like such a terrifying name and that’s probably why she went unnoticed as a zombie for so long. Don’t get me wrong. All of the signs that she was undead were there; the lifeless eyes, the gaunt white skin stretched taught over sharp cheekbones, the ridiculous bouffant wigs used to hide her balding pate and the lispy voice that turned the “s” at the end of a word into a “z”, like in “gunz” and “brainz”. All classic signs, and yet, we missed them all.

She had fooled her people for decades despite looking like the living dead when she ascended to her position, and yet not aging the entire time. Of course, the people she ruled were more concerned with good times and hand outs than protecting themselves.

Queen of the Damned Dianne knew that her kind would never take over so long as the living were armed. So for years and years she plotted and schemed. The path for her unholy horde was clear. Disarm the living and they would feast on brainz for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But how?

Finally, a tragedy struck and, relying on sentimentality, undead Dianne used her power to ramrod new laws through that would disarm the living. In a sense of guilt, the living were disarmed. Those who opposed this were labeled as kooks and crazies and led off as criminals.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a fairy tale with a happy ending. The zombies are at the door. First, they will eat your gunz and then they will come for your brainz. Stop Zombie Queen Dianne’s evil gun grabbing agenda and expose her for what she is. Unchecked, she will suck the life out of you, your family, and your neighbors.

We don’t often publish speculative fiction on SSD but we didn’t think this one could wait until Halloween.

17 Responses to “How The Zombies Ate Your Guns in 2013 2017 2019 2021”

  1. Ed says:

    I’ve been following the current legislation/bills that the house already passed. I don’t think hey stand a snowballs chance in hell in the senate since it’s a 50/50 split even with the “heels up” nuclear vote. I’m not saying we should take a respite or breathe a sigh of relief. We should “fight” even harder, contact/call/write your state and US Congress persons, even if you live in commie-state. Never give up, never quit, you are never out of the fight! These are our God given rights that our founding fathers framed not only for our unique American freedoms, but to continue our Republic and be a beacon of what a free country/society can be and for other to emulate.

    I’m more concerned with this “zombies” China connections and her other ilk that have been caught with Chinese spies, “duke-nuke’em” Swallowwell for one and trailer trash-Debbie wasserman Shultz as well! Traitors ALL!

    • Yawnz says:

      Even if they stand no chance, they don’t have to pass them to cause problems. Every time some bill like this comes up, they bank on us panic-buying. That causes supply problems and fucks the market for a year or two at least.

      • Alpha2 says:

        The market has been pretty fucked the past year anyway. My lgs has a three month backlog on purchasing Glock’s, no real amount of ammo in popular calibers since the beginning of last year. To your point, talks of new gun control legislation will no doubt make it worse than it already is.

        • Ben Gordon says:

          The market has been fucked the last year due to panic buying, but it already being that way doesn’t mean that talk of gun bans will further induce it.

  2. Ben says:

    “She looks better in the zombie meme than real life” lol

  3. Chuck says:

    This article never gets old, unfortunately.

  4. Alpha2 says:

    I think that the appetite for major gun control is fairly low in the general public, especially with all the first time gun owners over the past year, many of which identify as democrats. It sure doesn’t mean that they won’t try. From universal background checks, to nationwide red flag laws, to going after their favorite catch term “ghost guns” and taking on eighty percent lower manufacturers, I sure as hell would not put anything past this current administration.

    • Philip says:

      If the last fifteen years of American liberalism have taught me anything, it’s that they will take their cyclical majorities as a mandate to do whatever the heck they want, regardless of public opinion.

      “Elections have consequences”, they say…it only becomes partisan abuse when someone else tries to do the same.

  5. Chris B says:

    I’d like to see a lot more guys like Larry Vickers, that have the knowledge base and can present gun facts to regular people start making the rounds on the news or taking the initiative to connect with legislators that will actually listen. Perhaps even testify before Congress at some point.
    And I have to admit, seeing Pat MacNamara talking to some people in Congress could be some pretty good tv.

    • xmarksthespot says:

      Vickers isn’t a gun grabber vet like Crenshaw so I doubt Congress would give him the time of day.

  6. SwampyJ says:

    I see “barrel shrouds” are now on the eeeevil features list. I can hear it now, “You don’t need a flashlight to kill a deeeah”

  7. El Terryble says:

    Back in June and July of last year, I was one of the only people on the SSD comment section saying that the so-called “George Floyd” riots were just part of a coordinated and ore planned Marxist Revolution on behalf of the Democrat Party using its militia-terrorist wings, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, as foot soldiers. I think I have been proven correct in that analysis.

    Where we stand now must be summed up with some unpleasant truths:

    1). The November 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump (who bears partial responsibility for letting it get stolen after Democrats basically had the Goodyear Blimp advertise they were going to try and steal the election with mail-in ballots).

    2). Biden is just the senile puppet of a ruling Communist cabal running the show behind the scenes; who uses Biden’s incompetence, corruption, and degraded mental capacity as a result of onset dementia to further emasculate America in the eyes of the world and among the American People to more quickly bring about moral, societal, and economic collapse. Biden isn’t President, the Party is President.

    3). The Constitution is no longer in effect, therefore there is no law; only power and the will and ability to wield it.

    4). If you aren’t willing to fight now, there will come a time, not too far off, where you will have to choose between fighting, slavery and subjugation, or certain death.

    5). We no longer live in the United States of America. We live in a Communist dictatorship that is committing genocide against the United States of America.

    • Lasse says:

      did you talk directly to Q with your cosmic-ultra-commie-proof-top-secret clearance? heard some rumors about Jade Helm 2021 is where bionic-Obama returns and resurrects Lenin and gives him a US citizenship.

      • Ed says:

        Why don’t you attempt to refute it point by point instead of being a snarky limey, dropping BS online “conspiracy” deep-fake/made up theories.

        My theory on this “Qanon” BS is probably a foreign trolling operation to get the whackiest idiots, both leftist and extremist to distrust our own govt. however, as my Brother pointed out, the so-called “elected” govt is doing damn good job making it seem believable with all the blatant lies, corruption, cheating and anti-American policies. Just saying!

        • Philip says:

          Because all that lot know how to do is deflect and gaslight.

          Anything that either challenges or falls short of the currently-accepted groupthink is immediately discredited as “conspiracy” and shouted down.

    • El Terryble says:

      Q-anon is a classic misinformation campaign whose purpose is to discredit its adherents and cover for perpetrators of actual conspiracies and crimes against America. (What was the FBI’s Russian collusion hoax — Crossfire Hurricane and Midyear Exam — if not a conspiracy to help the Democrat Party and take out Trump?) And like all successful misinformation campaigns it mixes some truth, some plausible lies, and a kernel of outright lies together in an effort to direct the thought patterns of a targeted group. In my opinion, Q-anon was designed to distract and delegitimize valid investigation into Democrat Party operations and their appendages. There is some truth dispersed within Q-Anon. There’s a documentary called “Out of Shadows” that details satanic practices in Hollywood and the Democrat Party that includes pedophilia (of which there is widespread documentation that this happens in both Hollywood and DC) that stems from former Nazis being consulted post-World War II by the CIA and Hollywood to aid in mind control techniques in movies and TV. Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t running a private equity firm, he was running a pedophilia political blackmail operation. People like John Podesta and John Roberts might be involved with this, but to say that the highest reaches Of American society is controlled by an underground, conspiratorial satanic pedophile ring sparks incredulity, but doesn’t mean it’s not true to a certain degree.

      If you don’t believe that there is a Marxist plot to take down the United States of America and that the Democrat Party is the vehicle of this takedown; you need to watch KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov describe subversion tactics the KGB uses to subvert the West, then read Paul Kengor’s “the Communist” about Barack Obama’s mentor, (and possible biological father) Frank Marshall Davis and then and then juxtapose what Bezmenov describes and what the Democrat Party has been doing to America since at least the 1960s.

  8. Joe says:
