SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Remembering 9/11 – In Honor of Flight 93

Never Forget these fine people who were taken from us by evil men. Let’s honor the heroes of Flight 93 who made a fateful decision that they weren’t going to become pawns in a crazed attempt to decapitate our government. They took the enemy on, firsthand. They will always have our respect.

Let’s Roll!

The Crew
Jason Dahl
LeRoy Homer, Jr.
Lorraine Bay
Sandra Bradshaw
Cee Cee Lyles
Wanda Green
Deborah Anne Jacobs Welsh

The Passengers
Christian Adams
Todd Beamer
Alan Beaven
Mark Bingham
Deora Bodley
Marion Britton
Thomas E. Burnett Jr.
Willam Cashman
Georgine Rose Corrigan
Patricia Cushing
Joseph DeLuca
Patrick “Joe” Driscoll
Edward Porter Felt
Jane Folger
Colleen L. Fraser
Andrew Garcia
Jeremy Glick
Lauren Grandcolas
Donald F. Greene
Linda Gronlund
Richard Guadagno
Toshiya Kuge
Hilda Marcin
Waleska Martinez
Nicole Miller
Louis J. Nacke II
Donald and Jean Peterson
Mark “Mickey” Rothenberg
Christine Snyder
John Talignani
Honor Elizabeth Wainio
Kristin Gould White

We will not name the hijackers. May they forever be dishonored.

4 Responses to “Remembering 9/11 – In Honor of Flight 93”

  1. Chuck says:

    As always every year, thank you Eric for devoting your website to this memorial. It meant more than ever this year with the current ongoing political situation. I was sitting in my 8th grade algebra class when it went down, and I knew that day I would go. Let’s Roll.

  2. Iceman says:

    Todd Beamer

  3. Greg says:

    May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace…