RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

What Memorial Day Means To Me

At its heart, I find Memorial Day a rather somber occasion. I dwell on thoughts of those who aren’t with us anymore except in spirit; but it’s their spirit I cherish in spite of the feeling of loss. It’s not just the buddies I have who’ve paid the ultimate sacrifice. I think of others who succumbed to the “other”…some service related and some of old age. Regardless, they all served something bigger than themselves, at least for a time. And for that, I raise a toast.

God bless and keep them all for their sacrifice.

2 Responses to “What Memorial Day Means To Me”

  1. Marcus says:

    Never forget. Never quit. Give generously to the living.

  2. Remember them. Say their name. says:

    Well spoken and meaningful words Eric.