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In Memoriam GEN John J Lindsay (USA, Ret)

General (Ret.) James Lindsay, of Vass, North Carolina, the former Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, 18th Airborne Corps, and the 82nd Airborne Division passed away of natural causes at the age of 90 years old on August 5, 2023.

General (Ret.) James Lindsay had a storied career which earned him the Distinguished Service Cross, two Distinguished Service Medals and four Silver Stars in Vietnam.

(U.S. Army video by SPC Alexandra Behne)

2 Responses to “In Memoriam GEN John J Lindsay (USA, Ret)”

  1. Terry Baldwin says:

    He commanded The Division (82nd ABN), when I was first assigned to the 1st Bn, 504th PIR (83-84) and I saw a lot of him in that short time. He and GEN Frederick Kroesen, also a former 82nd ABN Commander, are two of the very few officers commissioned thru OCS to achieve 4-Star Rank. A great American by any measure! All the Way, Sir!


  2. Spec9 says:

    Jumpin Jim Lindsay was the epitome of a paratrooper. If there was a mass tac going on, he was there. He would shadow the different units as they ran up and down Ardennes Street during PT. As All American 6, he cleaned up Ardennes Street quite a bit. God help you if you yelled at another unit what they could do with their guidon. He also resisted issuing everyone large Alice packs back in the day because, he knew we would overload them, which we did later. He was low profile and unassuming. He had faith and confidence in NCOs. Rest in peace Sir, you’ve earned it.