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Inspiring Story: Tactical NAV Helps Ukrainian Man Save His Family

The Tactical NAV app was created by a US Army fire support officer to help simplify MGRS-based navigation and map use on an iPhone. The app is available via the App Store.

The creator, Jon Springer, received this email and passed it on to me. I agree with Jon that it’s worth a share.

Apparently, some of Roman’s family not only used Tactical NAV to get to safety in Poland, but others are using it in combat in Ukraine.

4 Responses to “Inspiring Story: Tactical NAV Helps Ukrainian Man Save His Family”

  1. Ben says:

    Can you share/view your position like with ATAK?

    • Al says:

      Only via email/txt Tactical Nav is on both ios app store , there is an alternative for ATAK for ios called itak.

      the locus app for android definitely has life location sharing, and has a lot of other features, offlie mapping, mgrs, night modes etc…

    • Hi Ben,

      You’ll soon have the ability to share and view your position using Tactical NAV, similar to ATAK.

      I’m currently coding what I call troop tracking into the app now. TACNAV will be cross-platform, offering real-time user tracking between iOS and Android users.

      It will also be commercially available, cost-effective, highly accurate, and secure.

      Thank you for your reply to the story. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out anytime at jon@tacticalnav.com.

      Take care, brother!

      – Jon

  2. Ben says:

    Cool story btw!