
You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

KCRF on Italian Holiday…

SSD reader, CTsheepdog sends, “Easy to keep calm in Italian lake country, but feel naked without my EDC Sig….”


7 Responses to “You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up”

  1. Marcus says:

    Enjoy the stay.
    Where to get that cool patch?

    • Dev says:

      I got the Blackout version from a legit site called “Tactical Shit”.

      Just in time for Land Forces Conference 2016 too.

      • Bagosmashedassholes says:

        Nothing says LEGIT like shilling crap out of spec gear, running a shit media site, while using people’s logo designs without permission. They are everything that is wrong with this industry in one URL

  2. Conway says:

    Never compare your life to someone else’s.

    Unless it looks like this. Then drown in jealousy as a miserably cold wind blows rain against the walls of your house.

  3. john says:

    Well the great view , can you please tell me little bit about this place , i want to go there with my family

  4. john smith says:

    You are in Italian lake country…..and you AREN”T naked?