GORE-Tex Professional

CeleGear Offers New Take On Paracord Bracelets

CeleGear was founded by an Army Veteran and civilian EMT after he started making paracord bracelets which incorporated the American flag. He would give these away to friends and visitors who trained with his agency. Since he started the practice in 2010, demand has grown and he expanded his passion into a business. Along with that,he developed the ability to incorporate custom designs into his creations.

In fact, they can produce virtually anything you can dream up.

Check them out.



2 Responses to “CeleGear Offers New Take On Paracord Bracelets”

  1. Darkhorse says:

    Bad ass! Love these guys!

    • Cele says:

      Much appreciated, Darkhorse thanks for the love hit me up and I will send some your way. SSD, truly an honor, I greatly respect what you have done and continue to do. Keep up the great work.