SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Happy Veteran’s Day

Yep, I said “Happy”.  Today isn’t somber, at least not here in the US; not since we instituted Memorial Day.  That is our day of mourning.  Instead it’s a celebration of our collective service to this great nation.  For our Commomwealth partners who observe Remembrance Day, we also want to thank you and those before you who stood in times of both peace and crisis to defend your land and people.  

So Happy Veteran’s Day to my fellow Veterans.  Today is our day, enjoy it with a smile on your face and think about the good things you did and the friends you made.

10 Responses to “Happy Veteran’s Day”

  1. mandingo says:

    We’ve all had our run-ins with the Veterans Day/Memorial Day remembrance/celebration police…

    To those of you that possess that particular compulsion:

    I am holding my cupped hand about chest high. Please stand about a foot away… lean in… and choke yourself.

  2. Airborn_fister says:

    Thank you SSD. And you too have a happy Veterans Day!

  3. JKifer says:

    “We happy few, we band of brothers…”

    I’ll be working, but at least I’ll be making holiday pay.. someone have a whiskey for me eh? I’ll just survive on caffeine and hate, (shamelessly stolen from the damn few).

  4. AGL Bob says:

    This is our day to feel a little better about ourselves, really good about our fellow vets and great about our country.

  5. james says:

    Thank you to all that have served and those who are currently doing so…

  6. Bradkaf308 says:

    Thanks for the education on why you guys have the two days SSD. Lest we forget.

  7. Ops says:

    I thank my brothers that came before me to protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America, and those that succeeded me.
    I especially thank the Vietnam veterans whose stories inspired me to enlist and serve in OIF and OEF campaigns.
    You are my unsung and sometimes unrecognized heroes and your footstep is what I followed, you shaped my life and gave me an image of the man that I desired to become and for that, I will always be grateful. Thank you for your sacrifices and services everyone. Happy veteran’s day.

  8. Gerard says:

    Thank you for your service. My GrandFather Maurice fought in WW1 his son, same name, earned the silver star at Chosen Resoviour. One of my Dad’s brothers fought with the Marines in Nam. God Bless them all.

  9. Maskirovka says:

    I don’t take many indulgences, but Veteran’s Day is the rare one I take advantage of. It’s my day to use however I want, and I make no apologies. Leave me alone and let me watch Patton for a minute.

    But if I had to pick one… Memorial Day.