SIG MMG 338 Program Series

High Angle Solution – Brigantes Presents – Silva Expedition 5 Operators Compass

Silva is the company that you go to for your way finding solutions when in the military. Following feedback from the Royal Marines the standard compass has been updated to better fit the needs of the user.

The base plate has been thickened and the bezel housing sealed to greatly increase robustness and therefore life span.  It still has all the great functionality of its predecessor but with a list of additional features.

The bezel has improved grip allowing it to be much easier to use with gloves.  In addition, it now has variable declination and an inclinometer making it much more usable around the globe and in mountainous regions.  The back of the bezel also has a full degree scale giving it full functionality.  As can be seen in the image it comes with a distance measuring lanyard for 1:25 and 1:50 scales.

The expedition 5 comes in northern and southern hemisphere varieties as well as with a brand new global needle option making it the absolute ideal choice for expeditionary forces who don’t know where they might be one week to the next.

For more information get in touch by email on or for UK customers

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4 Responses to “High Angle Solution – Brigantes Presents – Silva Expedition 5 Operators Compass”

  1. patrulje68 says:

    Well that’s annoying, they don’t accept individual orders.

  2. Canadian says:

    Not sure how Silva got into the SUUNTO global needle patent, but glad there are more options. It’s a very good idea if you are going any considerable distance. If you only might need to find a village, less of a concern, if you are going for the accuracy of linking up with other people, or a spot on a road- a global needle is worth it.