SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Combat Coffee 101 – NSFW for Langauge, Eh

How Canadian troops make coffee when there’s no Timmy’s around (we have one…HA). Now 100% insurgent free!

Thanks Tactical Fanboy for this one!

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13 Responses to “Combat Coffee 101 – NSFW for Langauge, Eh”

  1. Jack Luz says:

    I am a Canadian citizen and I am embarassed as hell over this video. I actually expected Canadian soldiers to be far less vulger than most Canadian citizens.

  2. BSG11 says:

    I hope Luz is being facetious. O_o” As a Canadian, I have no expectations that soldiers would be less vulgar than civilians, especially when filming this genre of funny video where swearing is mandatory.

  3. Gyspy says:

    My name is Gypsy, the bearded guy in the video. Luz can cram it up is cram hole. If your not in the fuxkin infantry, out there getting fuckin shot at daily, then u have no fuxkin right to comment. We have a moment of peace and decided to make a wimsicle videofor you, and u get all high and mighty on us. For everyone else and their positive support, thank you. We ha a lot of fun making this video for you. P.S: the gun fight interlude is a real gun fight we were in, just on another patrol of course. Lots of, Gypsy

  4. Administrator says:

    Just guys blowing off steam and making light of a bad situation. I mean seriously, no Timmy’s? F that. Thanks for the good times guys!

  5. Ipkiss says:

    Only Canucks put creamer in their coffee..
    Thanks for the laughs though!

  6. Al V says:

    Dear Mr Luz

    As a Canadian citizen myself,
    I think the gentlemen are not swearing that much, political correctness is very strong in that video.
    Creamer, Afghanistan, insurgents, Fuck, shit, pretty tame.
    They drink Starbucks in a war zone, again another product of political correctness, they probable are NDP/Liberal card members, I bet Gypsy is Green party and has a poster of May in his closet.

    What is a Canadian supposed to sound like?
    People such as yourself make us weak in front of the world.

    So Jack Luz, pick your vagina off the floor and go fuck a meat puppet sipping your fagachino while begging for your ball’s back from your man wife.

    Al V
    The original “Gypsy” of the early 90’s

  7. .308 says:

    As a Canadian, who has great pride in our forces both present and past… I say the only thing missing was the most Canadian obscenity possible.. FUCKING RIGHT! or if your from the Maritimes.. FUCKING RIGHTSS.. haha… good stuff, stay safe, come home..

  8. murphquake says:

    Gypsy, The Americans appreciate your service almost as much as your profanity, keep up the awesome work & stay safe! Thank you.

  9. whiskey says:

    hey im the other doosh bag in the the video. thanks for the support, i think most of you get the joke. for those of you who dont. i am still in the army, im probly not aloud to post this video but i did because it gives you a more real look at a big side to the military that you almost never see unless you serve. humour. yeah you may me be wet and cold, but look at the guy next to you that walked thru a swamp and forgot extra socks. i bet he hates life more you.

  10. Jack Luz says:

    After reading all those reactions, so much for the notion that Canadians are nice/polite. I have seen more nicer people in the U.S. than up north.

  11. Jaide Blue says:

    Gypsy and Whiskey- sweet thangs- you rock 🙂 love from the US!!

  12. […] decent coffee to our troops deployed overseas, and apparently the concept was inspired by the video Combat Coffee 101 featured here on SSD a few weeks ago. Ahhh, the power of the internet. They are asking for the […]

  13. Grayson says:

    People, remember these words, because you will probably see them again:
    When Canucks in the field get their Tim Horton’s coffee in an orderly and timely manner, they’re the nicest, most polite people around.

    When the Canucks don’t get their Timmie’s coffee, they usually end up wanting to kill something.

    When Canucks get fed a steady diet of Starbuck’s coffee, they usually end up wanting to kill EVERYTHING.

    You are hereby warned.