SIG MMG 338 Program Series

‘The Red Circle’ by Brandon Webb Hits Shelves

‘The Red Circle: My Life in the Navy SEAL Sniper Corps and How I Trained America’s Deadliest Marksmen’ just hit shelves. This is former SEAL Brandon Webb’s story of his training, time on the teams as well as his experience as a Sniper instructor. Brandon was Course Manager of the Navy SEAL Sniper Program that trained some of America’s finest and deadliest warriors—including Marcus Luttrell and Chris Kyle. I just picked up my copy at Barnes & Noble and can’t wait to read it.

Available from and

8 Responses to “‘The Red Circle’ by Brandon Webb Hits Shelves”

  1. Alex says:

    I just went to Barnes & Noble yesterday and picked up Leadership and Training for the Fight by Paul Howe. Looks like I’ll have to go back soon!

  2. Ground pounder says:

    Really? Another super hero?

    • HalP says:

      SEAL sniper course manager: superhero, maybe not, bada$$, totally. If you read these guys books they aren’t bragging about themselves, just telling their story. Check out – good site

  3. Matthew K. says:

    I’m curious, and this is a great opportunity to find out…

    I’d like to support the method of purchasing that is the most profitable for Mr. Webb, and I’m not that familiar with the economics of publishing.


    • Desert Lizard says:

      As long as you don’t buy it second-hand, Brandon Webb will make the same amount any purchase method you choose.

  4. Flippy says:

    Coming to a Kindle* soon? or have I missed something…

    * Other E-Readers available

  5. Nick the Brit says:

    I looked at it’s on both Amazon for Kindle and BN for nook right now – time to d/l it to my iPad!

  6. Brandon Webb says:

    Thanks for the support gents. -Brandon