SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Impact of Sequestration on DoD

“…sequestration was designed to be an inflexible and mindless policy that was never intended to be implemented.”
– Robert F. Hale, DoD Comptroller
In a letter to Senators John McCain and Carl Levin

Actually, Mr Hale is quoting DepSecDef Ashton B Carter in his testimony before the House Armed Services Committee on 1 August, 2012. The Honorable Mr Carter goes into great detail on how impending sequestration will affect modernization. He uses the word ‘devastating’ when describing its effects. He also makes the point that it will also be trying for all departments. No matter which side of the political fence you find yourself on, you have to agree, we are charting new waters here. If Congress doesn’t act, the consequences will be major, for all. Please take the time to read Mr Carter’s testimony. I feel that his summary makes the biggest impact. Congress needs to act, in a balanced way.

DOD Sequester Impact Aug 15 Report

3 Responses to “Impact of Sequestration on DoD”

  1. Sal Palma says:

    I actually think that ‘devastating’ is a moderate assessment. Regrettably sequestration is the only politically safe course of action for Congress because it opens the door for “Hey I had nothing to do with this.” It will be a kick in the ass to an economy and the DoD.
    I hope it never happens but caveat emptor…