GORE-Tex Professional

2 Cent Tactical Shemaghs

Our friends at 2 Cent Tactical asked us to share this announcement.

Well after what has seemed like a massive uphill battle the long awaited second run of 2 Cent Tactical shemaghs is finally in stores. In this whole process we have had to deal with design theft, incompetent shipping companies causing massive delays and of course the delay of me getting enough money to do a large enough order to last a bit.

30% of what we sell these to the retailers for goes to Wounded Warriors. The rest of the money goes back into other projects to help to continue to raise money for charity. When all is said and done we will have raised over $750 dollars for Wounded Warriors and be able to do a new run of patches.

The shemaghs have our skull maple leaf logo in them and are quite large to allow for shrinking when washed.


Due to the design theft we are also including one of our logo patches with each shemagh so that you can tell you are buying a legitimate item that is going to charity.

Thank you all for your suppourt during this time and head on over to our friends at One Shot Tactical and pick up some of these bad boys.



2 Responses to “2 Cent Tactical Shemaghs”

  1. BradKAF308 says:

    Back to why I love SSD so much! American stuff is interesting but the international flavour is great! Especially when it’s for great causes! This is why I’m always plugging SSD to my friends. Thank you!