B5 Systems

Finally, A Use of The Title ‘Operator’ That Shouldn’t Insult Your Senses




26 Responses to “Finally, A Use of The Title ‘Operator’ That Shouldn’t Insult Your Senses”

  1. Jack says:

    Still not qualified to wear that one.

  2. Stick says:

    Any chance this will actually be sold? I would love to give my wife one of these (she’s a quilter) for Christmas.

  3. Tim Ellwood says:

    I always wanted one with a stitched pic of Lilly Tomlin in her headset, that had a Operator rocker below and “one ringy dingy” above

  4. Badjujuu says:

    Getting one for my mom time now.

  5. Lasse says:

    I’m getting one for myself! Too bad they don’t show up on their site as of now.

  6. maresdesign says:

    Oh I am so getting one of these – qualified too.

  7. Woody says:

    Great, now we are going to see a bunch of posers thinking that they rate to wear this on their kit, just because they can stitch a button back on to their cammies. What an insult to those who have actually spilled blood from thier fingertips to earn the privilege of wearing the hallowed sewing machine device.

    • Jon says:

      Just ship them without velcro on the back. That would stop 90% of the posers from being able to wear them… lol

    • Lasse says:

      When you graduate and get the patch, you don’t do rookie mistakes like sewing your fingers any more. You can always separate the wannabes by the professional OPERATORS by looking at their fingers for scars.
      “Amateurs train until they get it right, professionals train until they can’t get it wrong” – Caleb Crye, 2003.

  8. 96C says:

    Until you’ve made your own anorak, day bag, ghillie, chest rigs, knife sheaths, pouches or space shuttle door gunner safety strop you’re wasting money. Unless you’ve nearly had your hand cut off by a pneumatic walking foot sail sewing machine…

  9. bulldog76 says:

    im insulted as a machinist who is considered a operator

  10. Ycare says:

    Haha, obviously funny reactions from everyone, that’s a nice change!

    But now I really want that patch… and yes I qualify since sawing my own pouches! ^^

    Any idea when/if this actually be available?

  11. Luke says:


  12. Ivan says:

    Need one! qualified!

  13. LR says:

    Shut up and take my money!

  14. FLC says:

    Yes. this is a must for me…

  15. Fat Operator says:

    The responses to this are classic.

  16. Finally! – Something I’m qualified to wear.

  17. Erik says:

    Could we get one with a dog’s paw print in the middle of the sewing machine?( too soon?)

  18. Rich says:

    Is this thing for sale or what?
    It’s for the wife, ex-Delta operator.

    Delta was her favorite machine!

  19. kojak says:

    This hurt my soul.

  20. Jan (Javran) says:

    hahaha I’m loving these responses!

    Sorry about the patch not being on the site. Due to technical difficulties on the backend, I haven’t added any new products in a while. I’m working on a new and improved site, though. In the meantime, if you’d like to purchase a Sewing Machine Operator patch you can do so via email: http://javran.com/contact-us

    Some people have asked about different colorways; I make these one at a time in-house so you can choose from MANY different colors/camo. The available options can be seen here: http://javran.com/products/patches/strobe-specialist-patch