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US Army Birthday Book

US Army Birthday

In celebration of the US Army’s upcoming 239th birthday, the US Army has released a digital children’s book titled “Happy Birthday U.S. Army!” which is now available online.

The book, co-written by Mary Ellen Pratt and Donna M. McGrath, both employees of Army Child, Youth and School Services, and illustrated by Cara Embry, features bright, colorful illustrations and tells the history of the U.S. Army through the eyes of a child.

The book can be downloaded here: www.armymwr.com/army-birthday-book


5 Responses to “US Army Birthday Book”

  1. Craig says:

    Watch, the brass will use this to make the official announcement of the OCP for garrison use and the wear in date.

  2. Stefan S. says:

    Will they tell how much money they wasted on UCP and a rifle to replace the untouchable M-14/M-16 rifle?

  3. John says:

    I just read the PDF of this book. It’s the most inappropriate kids book since ‘It’s OK if they touch you down there’ from NAMBLA. Terrible, terrible propaganda. It might as well have been written by Valerie Jarrett.