SIG MMG 338 Program Series

O P Tactical – New Stickers In Stock

O P Tactical has just added three new morale stickers to their inventory.

Douchebag Bumper Sticker


Be A Man Vinyl Sticker


The Original Guns and Coffee Sticker



19 Responses to “O P Tactical – New Stickers In Stock”

  1. Disco says:

    My inner bratty child tells me I NEED that Rhodebabwe sticker.

    If you were a punk kid in the 80s you know what I mean and why I mean it. I figure a 21st century one would use a SCAR I guess

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Our future take off on it will probably be an OBR, but I do have a SCAR-16 I could do it with.

      Jon, OPT

      • Disco says:

        Actually an AR-10/SR-25/OBR would be more reflective of what professional “take no crap” soldiers in the current era are using. I reference the SCAR because of the FN legacy.

        Either way I will get this sticker and can’t wait to see the 21st century take on this will look like.

        Also, before you discount younger guys as a whole, remember that 18 and 19 year olds are graduating Airborne and Ranger school right now. These youngsters were but infants (if they were even born) while we were playing Super Nintendo, debating the merits of Friends over Seinfeld, and listening to grunge music/Spice Girls on cassette tape. So…respect.

        • Disco says:

          Not to OPT but just to anyone hating on kids these days. We were all there once but yeah admittedly this new bunch makes you cringe more; they can also surprise you.

          • bulldog76 says:

            ya it kinda grind my gears when people say my generation( i was born in 1992 at bragg) that they dont have guts or intellect hell most of the friends i hang around with that are my age always look at the Rhodesian army, the men who jumped in europe in ww2, the guys in vietnam to emulate or to get more specific for men to look up to larry thorne or Gen john h Morgan (csa) ,Nathan B Forrest, Teddy roosevelt, and Ike those are the men we strive to be like we know we wont be exactly like them but we can strive to be that badass

            • Jon, OPT says:

              You have a good breadth of knowledge if that is your personal influences. Pay close attention to two things, their approach towards failure (especially TR), and their approach towards taking care of Soldiers / subordinates. These two things are what makes the difference between a good leader and a great leader.

              Jon, OPT

        • Jon, OPT says:

          If they are 18 or 19, they were infants when I was in Airborne and the following year Ranger School. I graduated both on May 2nd 1996 (ABN) and 1997 (RGR). I don’t discount anyone, we all bring something to the table. I also carried an SR-25 for 4 years, but don’t own one, I do have an OBR, hence my choice of that rifle, but I’m still working on how contemporary the image should be vs how much of it should be a tribute (to the extent of using a 7.62). No worries, appreciate any and all feedback, this is how we get better at everything.

          Jon, OPT

    • straps says:

      “Be a Man” ain’t for them millennials.

      It’s for dudes who remember being 8 years old in the 1970s and seeing that in SOF.

      Guns and Coffee is for the millennials. There is a school of American history which holds that America’s ascendance is attributable to two things: The availability of guns and clean water TO THE COMMON MAN, who could then drink less beer and more coffee (and tea) and make this nation great…

      All awesome though, just got mine and the quality is what’s to be expected of OPT.

      • Jon, OPT says:

        Thanks, the graphic on the site for “Be a man” was an early draft, the finals came out really nice.

        We have more coming out that appeal to the contemporary, and to some time honored traditions and emblems. Our skull and crossed arrows should be done by the end of the month, among others.

        Jon, OPT

  2. Patrick says:

    I wish that Douche Bag/Che sticker was a shirt. I’d love the looks that would get here in California.

    • Jon, OPT says:

      Patience, it’s already pissed of enough people that it will move forward in the escalation of force for swag.

      Jon, OPT

      • Brett says:

        Sweet…I’m in for a shirt as well.

      • Patrick says:

        Don’t get me wrong: I’ll end up icking up the bumper sticker as well. But that’ll most likely go on my Pelican case, and that only goes to the range. And while some like minded fellow shooters will get a kick out of it, I’m more much into pissing off the yuppies and hipsters that are slowly killing CA.

    • Stefan S. says:

      He was a DB. But the hipster girlie-boys who were taught he was a “freedom fighter” will get their panties in a wad. I’ll take 10!

  3. bulldog76 says:

    BE A MAN AMONG MEN !! hell ya that awesome

  4. Invictus says:

    Homerun with the Che sticker, Jon!

    • Jon, OPT says:

      I can’t claim originality rights on that one, it’s been a concept that’s been around a while, but I do like how it came out. My product description is from actual interviews 🙂

      Jon, OPT

  5. Robert says:

    Please produce DB shirts/patches at your earliest convenience.

    The quotes are pure gold.

  6. z0phi3l says:

    Think I’ll get 1-2 of the Che stickers, guessing it will not do well here in Socialist CT 🙂