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Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

Maine Concealed Handgun Permits Now Valid in New Hampshire

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

On a positive note

Maine residents holding a Maine Concealed Handgun Permit will now also be able to carry a handgun in the State of New Hampshire, as a result of legislation passed in 2015 with the support of Gun Owners of Maine.

LD 868, sponsored by Maine Sen. Paul Davis, overwhelmingly passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 98-43, and unanimously passed the Senate. The bill established a simple and fair rule for Maine’s recognition of other state’s concealed weapons permits: If another state recognizes Maine’s permit, Maine will recognize theirs. This replaced the old system in which the Chief of the State Police was able to enter into formal reciprocity agreements with other states, provided those states met or exceeded Maine’s permit requirements.

Gun Owners of Maine strongly supported this common-sense legislation in order to remove impediments to recognition of Maine’s gun permits throughout the nation. Maine’s new law will encourage other states to recognize Maine’s permit, and gain Maine’s recognition in return, enhancing the gun rights of both the citizens of those states as well as Mainers.

Best Troll of 2016

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016


Today, President Obama Spoke of “The Lies Of The Gun Lobby”

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

And then he tweeted this…


Chief Law Enforcement Officer Certification To Be Removed From National Firearms Act Transfers

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

Yesterday, the BATFE issued their ruling on the so-called 41P Notice of Proposed Rule Making regarding NFA transfers. Timing of the release was critical to ensure it was ready for President Obama’s announcement today of anti-2A Executive Action. 

I was up into the wee hours reading this 248 page ruling. I was also on the phone with the ASA so kudos to them for getting this together. While the dreaded CLEO signature is indeed gone, it’s bittersweet. Corporations which own NFA items in particular are going to have a rough time dealing with the new regulatory requirements. And, use of a trust will become equally painful. Additionally, I’m not comvinced the change in the CLEO’s role in this process is enough to prevent reluctant CLEO’s from holding up transfers. At any rate, I expect this to cuase a panic buy of NFA items as we have 180 days from the time this change is published in the Federal Register until it takes effect.

I urge you to read the entire ruling because it references the thousands of comments the government received when it opened the proposed rule change up. www.atf.gov/file/100896/download

Written by ASA on January 5, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, January 4th, the Obama administration issued the final rule for Docket No. ATF 41P, the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) published on September 9th, 2013. The final rule has multiple provisions, most notably the elimination of the CLEO certification requirement for all NFA applications. The NPRM initially sought to amend the making and transfer process for National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms by extending the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) certification requirement for all NFA transfers to private persons, including those conducted by a trust or legal entity. Had this measure been enacted as drafted, it would have resulted in widespread de facto bans of NFA items in jurisdictions where CLEOs refuse to sign applications. To prevent this scenario, the American Suppressor Association (ASA) rallied the suppressor community by leading the charge to submit comments in opposition to the proposed rule. In all, over 9,500 comments were submitted to the Federal Register, virtually all of which opposed the proposal to expand CLEO certifications.

“Since the announcement of ATF 41P, the American Suppressor Association has spearheaded efforts alongside partner organizations on the State and Federal levels to block the expansion of CLEO certification requirements,” said Knox Williams, President and Executive Director of the ASA. “For the first time in 82 years, local law enforcement will no longer have de facto veto power over any NFA applications. While their inclusion in the process made sense in 1934, before background checks, or even computers existed, the removal of this antiquated measure from the NFA process is a major victory for the suppressor and NFA communities.”

In addition to removing the CLEO certification requirement, the rule creates a mandatory CLEO notification process, and establishes a definition for the term “responsible person” in relation to NFA trusts and legal entities. It also requires that the trust or legal entity provide complete proof of existence, and that all responsible persons associated with the trust or entity submit photos and fingerprint cards with each NFA application, unless the applicant entity has had an application approved within the past two years, and has had no change in structure or personnel. The final rule will not apply to pending or previously approved applications, and is set to take effect 180 days after it is published in the Federal Register. This will occur on or near July 2nd, 2016.

Although the elimination of the CLEO certification requirement is a victory for the suppressor community, the ASA still believes that suppressors should be removed entirely from the NFA. To accomplish this goal, we are working closely with Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-05) to pass the Hearing Protection Act (H.R. 3799, S. 2236). The HPA will remove suppressors from the onerous requirements of the NFA, and instead require purchasers to pass an instant NICS check, the same background check that is used during the sale of long guns. In doing so, law-abiding citizens will remain free to purchase suppressors, while prohibited persons will continue to be barred from purchasing or possessing these accessories. To contact your legislators in support of the HPA, please visit our Hearing Protection Act legislative contact form.


What President Obama’s Anti-Gun Executive Actions Will Look Like

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

These are the executive actions President Obama plans to announce on the morning of Tuesday, 5 January, 2016 to “reduce gun violence and make our communities safer.”  

Just a couple of comments off the top of my head.  

Despite rumors that an actual number of transactions was going to be adopted to define “engaged in the business” of selling firearms, President Obama didn’t do it.  So nothing materially changes.  Status Quo.  Instead, it’s just a short lived opportunity for rhetoric.  This was supposed to be his anchor; closing that mythical “gun show loophole” and he couldn’t even make that happen.  With one exception (see below), this whole package doesn’t do anything.

Looks like they are going to push 41P through; an interesting new take on the White House as “trust buster.”  Considering the sheer number of trusts in the United States that concern all sorts of business (aside from owning NFA weapons) and how this precedent will affect those, I’m still unsure whether this new intrusiveness is even legal.  But I’m not a lawyer.  

Additionally, I’d hate to see be the guy who has to write those reports on how the government is going to pour money into “smart” gun technology.  Of course, a smart PM can always figure out a way to make an earmark useful.  



Data source: White House 

Democrats Are After Your Guns Again – The Assault Weapons Ban Of 2015

Saturday, December 26th, 2015

Never mind that they tried this once before and it not only didn’t work but cost them a majority in the Congress. Never mind that prohibitions don’t work. Never mind that the majority of Americans don’t want this. Democrats in the House of Representatives  have introduced a new bill to make the guns many SSD readers own, illegal to manufacture.  Naturally, the bill also covers ‘large capacity ammunition feeding devices’.

One of the things that always strikes me about these bills as they pop up is the obsession the anti-2Aers have with guns.  They love to make lists of types of firearms, the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’.  It’s really kind of creepy.  If only they put that kind of effort into cutting red tape so businesses could create jobs.  

I encourage you to read the full text of this bill that is currently in committee.


Virginia Announces Changes to Concealed Carry Weapon Reciprocity and Recognition

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

The Virginia State Police released this announcement yesterday. It is very important for those visiting the Commonwealth of Virginia who previously enjoyed reciprocity for their CCW permit. The action was taken at the direction of Virginia’s Attorney General, Mark R. Herring, who had the VSP review concealed carry rules in each of the states that currently have reciprocity agreements with Virginia.  Likewise, Virginians will need to pursue alternative CCW licensing from other states such as Utah or Florida which offer non-resident options, if they plan to carry while in other jurisdictions where it is legal.

This is the second firearms restrictive executive action taken by Democrat Governor Terry McAuliffe’s administration.  The previous move prevents open carry of firearms by non-LE in Executive branch agencies and buildings.  


Legal review conducted in 2015 pursuant to § 18.2-308.014 of the Code of Virginia identified several jurisdictions that currently fail to meet the statutory requirements for recognition of the concealed carry permits they issue. As a result of that review, effective February 1, 2016, concealed carry permits issued by the following jurisdictions are NO LONGER VALID in Virginia:

New Mexico
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota

As a result of this revocation of recognition Virginia concealed carry permits may no longer be valid in the jurisdictions listed above. Permit holders should, prior to travel, contact each jurisdiction to determine if their permit will be recognized prior to carrying concealed in that jurisdiction.

According to the legal review conducted by the Attorney General’s Office, certain states will no longer recognize Virginia concealed handgun permits because Virginia no longer recognizes that jurisdiction’s concealed handgun permit. These states are:

North Dakota
South Carolina

Virginia extends reciprocity or recognition to citizens holding both resident and non-resident permits/licenses from the following jurisdictions as set forth below:

Listing of states with which Virginia has Reciprocity Agreements (A formal written agreement exists between the two jurisdictions):

West Virginia

Listing of states with which Virginia has mutual recognition (Jurisdictions have informally agreed to honor permits issued by the other):


Virginia non-resident permit holders

Virginia non-resident permit holders should contact each jurisdiction to determine if their permit will be recognized prior to carrying in that jurisdiction.


ATF Goes All #Mythbusters

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

