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Archive for the ‘Memorial’ Category

BCM Remembers Pat Rogers

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

As many of you have heard Marine Veteran and former NYPD Detective Pat Rogers passed away last night from natural causes. His name is well known in Tactical Training circles where he continued to serve for several decades. BCM owner Paul Buffoni shared this touching tribute to his friend Pat.

He will be missed. May he rest in peace.

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I announce the passing of my Brother and my friend Pat Rogers.

Pat embodied the warrior spirit. And like all great warriors he had a big heart and it was full of love. Love for his country, love for his Brothers, and love for his family and friends.

We are definitely diminished and I will miss him greatly.

I will miss his energy. Pat would bring energy to every room he walked in with his magnetic personality. Folks would just gravitate toward him. They would come to hear a colorful story told in a way only Pat could tell, or maybe to hear a lesson from his lifetime of experience in the USMC, NYPD, or any number of his other billets. I have lost track of how many times his enthusiasm and stories would keep everyone in stiches. I have lost track of how many lessons he has taught me.

I will miss his passion. “Life is good.” Countless times he would say that to me. Whether we were at the range together in one of his classes, or on the phone when he was talking about some place Ellen and him visited together, or giving me an AAR of the last class he just finished teaching… he would close with “Life is good”. And he meant it. He made you feel better about your day just from hearing how much he enjoyed his. Pat loved life, every day of it.

I will miss his friendship. Good times or bad times Pat would always be the one to reach out to you. Whether it was to celebrate with you or lend a helping hand, he would be there. If a man is known by the company he keeps it becomes easy to see why so many loved Pat. I have been so very fortunate to meet many of Pat’s good friends and honored to call them mine as well. You would be hard pressed to find a group of higher quality individuals with the same sense of integrity, loyalty, and love that Pat displayed. A testament to our friend Pat. It has been said that- Friends are the siblings God never gave us.

I will miss my Brother.

We were recently working on a project together and I needed an expanded bio. I am going to include it here.

Semper Fidelis my Brother,
Paul Buffoni
Bravo Company

About Pat Rogers

Pat was born in Brooklyn NY in 1946.
He has worked shining shoes; delivering newspapers; pumping gas; working on a ride in Coney Island; driving a taxi; a sport parachute instructor, a photographer, and for an airline company that serviced the Far East.

He served in the active and reserve components as a United States Marine starting in 1963.
He served in the former Republic of Vietnam with 3rd Marine Division.
He was an 1811 Tank Crewman; 0311 Rifleman; 0369 Infantry Unit Leader; 8531 Primary Marksmanship Instructor; 8662 Parachutist; 5702 NBC Specialist; 5702 NBC Officer.
He served for 5 years in the Foreign Material Acquisition Exploitation Unit, and finished as Chief Warrant Officer 2.

He was a NYC Correction Officer; a NYC Police Officer, serving in Patrol; Street Narcotics Enforcement Unit; Anti-Crime; investigator in Manhattan Robbery Squad, Central Robbery Division.
As a Sgt he served in Patrol; Anti-Crime; in the Chief of Detectives Office; as a supervisor in the Technical Assistance Response Unit, and as a Hostage Negotiator.
He was decorated 54 times, to include the Medal of Valor.
He worked as an IC with the Counter Terrorism Center of OGA.
He was an SME evaluating the DOS Anti-Terrorist Assistance Program.
He was a Rangemaster at Gunsite for 12 years.

He been the principal at EAG since 1989.

He was the 464th person in the US to accrue 1000 Free Fall Parachute Jumps (USPA Gold Wings #464), the 203rd to accrue over 2000 Free Fall Parachute Jumps (USPA Diamond Wings #203) and the 131st person in the US to accrue over 12 hours in freefall (USPA Gold Free Fall Badge # 131)

He is an NRA High Master Rifle, and CMP Distinguished Rifleman.

He learns something new every day.

Stay Strong Belgium

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Belgium has been a close ally of the United States.  In your hour of need we are with you.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to your fallen and wounded as you recover from this heinous act of terrorism.  Do not let your national resolve falter.


Rest In Peace Todd Green

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

Todd Green succumbed last night to a cancer he had been battling for many years. He was as well known in the industry as he was outspoken. Many will remember him for the forum Pistol-Training.com.

Rest In Peace

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Friday, December 4th, 2015

I want to take a moment to honor the law enforcement and EMS personnel who responded to the deadly terror attack earlier this week in San Bernardino, California. They did a great job and their swift and decisive action prevented even more deaths.  

I’d also like for us to take a moment to honor the victims of this attack. They were friends and family to many and will be dearly missed.

A Veterans Day Thank You from TNVC

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

TNVC would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to all our Service Men and Women. Without you, we would not be here today.

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

Saturday, September 12th, 2015

Thanks to reader Andrew L for this inspirational images.

The Freedom Tower.

The “light” towers are actually teo blocks away from the original site.

View lookng up from the middle of each a light “tower”.


9/11 Remembered – The Toll

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Ultimately, we suffered a horrible loss that day. The images still haunt me. There were 2996 immediate deaths on September 11th, 2001, but wasn’t just an attack on America. It was an attack on the world, with victims from over 90 countries.

Even now, victims and rescuers alike suffer life threatening medical conditions due to the exposure to toxins during the attacks.

And then, there’s the war. It doesn’t end. In the ensuing 14 years we’ve definitely taken the fight to the enemy and even cut their head off a time or two. But, like a hydra, they come back.

Even now, the world is faced with the threat of a resurgent Islamic fundamentalism that targets our ideals in both word and deed. We must oppose them in every case, lest our efforts thus far, be in vain.

Never Forgive, Never Forget

9/11 Memorial – 1720

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Later that day, at 1720 – 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story building, collapses.
