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Posts Tagged ‘AOL’

AOL Comes Out of the Anti-2A Closet

Friday, December 21st, 2012

In a statement posted early this morning, AOL laid out their four point plan to reduce gun violence in America. Point number two is most telling. We love it when people are so oblivious that they come out in favor of laws that are already on the books like criminal background checks.

Second, we’re joining with 750 mayors and other leaders in the Demand a Plan campaign ( to ban high volume assault weapons and require criminal background checks for firearms. This is a sensible idea and is in line with our commitment to family safety.

However, it seems as if the statement was drafted by committee or a schizophrenic. Despite coming out in favor of a ban on high volume assault weapons (whatever the hell that is) they also acknowledge that they don’t know it all and ask for input on how to “prevent tragedies like the one in Newtown.” Too bad they are so focused on the least effective; firearms legislation.

Third, we know not all of our members agree on potential changes to gun laws. So if you have different ideas on how to prevent tragedies like the one in Newtown, please let us know in the comments area below and we’ll share the best of them on This isn’t about ideology — it is about reducing the number of mass murders, so please share any realistic solution you may have.

AOL members, let them know what you think. So far, the comments are the typical no-nothing anti-2A drivel; ban automatic weapons, etc. It would be nice nice for a change if people who call for additional laws knew about the ones already on the books.