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Posts Tagged ‘Cane & Derby’

Cane and Derby 20% for 24 Hours Sale Is On

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

Cane & Derby (www.caneandderby.com) has made it to the 200 friend mark on Facebook and, as promised, they will take 20% off everything for another 24 hours. To give everyone a chance to find out about it, pass the word, call a friend, round up the loot, ask the wife, etc, it started at midnight last night and ends on midnight, July 13 2011.

That’s 20% off everything in the store for the 24 hours of July 13.

Their promise is that for every 100 fans they get they’ll run the sale again. So go ahead and spread the word, get your friends to push that little ‘like’ button on Facebook, because that’s all it’ll take to get another 24 hour sale… and then another, and another, and another! Their first 24-hour sale was a huge success and a lot of folks got great deals.

For more information on this and other Cane & Derby news: http://www.caneandderbynews.com/2011/07/facebook-20-24-hours-sale-2-fight/