RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Posts Tagged ‘Direct Action Resource Center’

Preserving the Second Amendment – Ballot or Bullet

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Over the next few days SSD will be posting items from industry professionals that we hope will inform and spark discussion on the Second Amendment of the Constitution. This first article is from Special Forces Veteran Richard Mason of the Direct Action Resource Center.



Let’s take a step (or two) back and look at the whole instead of just the current debate. I promise to make you angry at some point: either at what you read or me.

There is a lot rhetoric and hyperbole being slung around. Emotional arguments proliferate, for and against.

On this issue, the public can be divided up into these basic groups:
1. Pro 2A – don’t tread on me
2. Anti 2A – you are morally corrupt for liking guns
3. Owns a gun(s) but welcomes ‘reasonable’ restrictions for assorted reasons
4. Doesn’t own a gun, isn’t opposed to guns but thinks there should be various restrictions of firearms control.
5. It doesn’t affect me, who cares: is the mall open yet?
6. Non-Americans

Actually, there are only two groups, regardless of where you think you stand on the issue. You are either for your Bill of Rights, you are against them (for whatever reason), or you are too stupid and/or lazy to care (which means you are aiding those opposed to them). The reason is history. Mostly, it is the history of the 2nd Amendment – it really does matter. Second would be the history of man and their governments. History echoes.
