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Posts Tagged ‘M1 for Vets’

M1 for Vets Shooting Events

Saturday, April 23rd, 2011

M1forVets is a Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to Financial and Logistical Support of Returning Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and the Global War on Terror (GWT) “Transitioning Combat Wounded Veterans” for the Purpose of Competing in National Shooting Sports. They hold regular functions and the next shoot for the Chicagoland area is coming up on June 4th.

The event will be held at Impact Training Center which has donated the use of the range for the event and we will be donating a portion of the proceeds to DAV in their name. Others are volunteering time as instructors and range masters as well as the use of their rifles. Finally, the team is organizing rides for participants so they can make it to the event.

1st Annual Midwest Fundraiser Shoot June 4th 2011
