RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Posts Tagged ‘MINITS’

iWitness iPhone Optics Kit

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

The MINITS iWitness system allows you to adapt your iPhone to your spotting scope (digiscope) and is compatible with 3G/4G cellular networks. The MINITS iWitness AW (All Weather) mount accepts the LIFEPROOF encased iPhone 4s and does not cause interference with phone controls or reception. The SSA (Spotting Scope Adapter) fits with iWitness AW mount via the spotting scope adapter insert.

7.62 “Trace” and impact @ 550 + Yards using an iPhone 4S with iWitness Kit & Leupold Spotter

The iWitness iPhone Optics Kit is available through US Tactical Supply.
