
Posts Tagged ‘PTSD’

Support Battling Bare

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012


Battling Bare. Comprised of a different sort of warrior, helping husbands heal from PTSD. They use tasteful, moving pictures to get their message across. Consider supporting them and please: if you comment, keep it tasteful. To do otherwise is to heap insult on top of injury, and frankly is missing the point altogether. These ladies are bringing an entirely different perspective to combat related PTSD; they’re without a doubt worthy of your support.

Broken by battle…
Wounded by war…
My love is FOREVER–to you this I SWORE.
Quiet your silent screams…
Help heal your shattered soul…
Until once again, my love…
Battle bare.






















You can support Battling Bare by LIKING their Facebook page, or going to their website (once it’s finished). You can also read more below.

