The WM-200 wind meter provides wind direction (accurate to +/- 2° by digital compass), wind speed (+/- 3% from .8-89 mph) up to 135 mph, temperature (windchill accuracy +/- 1.8° F), and cross wind as well as tail wind. Both wind direction and cross/tail wind are unique features among wind meters. The user can choose a variety of units to display data: Mph, km/h, kt, ft/min, m/s, BF (Beaufort) and F or C
Measuring a mere 5.5†x 1.75†x .75†when closed, the WM-200 weighs only 3.2oz with battery. Powered by a CR2032 replaceable Lithium battery, the WM-200 features an auto shutdown to preserve battery life. All this, backed by a two-year warranty.
For more information contact Speedtech Instruments.
Photos are courtesy of Speedtech Instruments.